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Sea Turtles
Archie Carr Center for Sea Turtle Research, ASUPMATOMA, Baja Turtles, Barbados Sea Turtle Project, Beaches Sea Turtle Patrol, Broward County Sea Turtle Conservation Program, Caribbean Conservation Corporation/Sea Turtle Surv, EuroTurtle, Florida Leatherbacks, Florida Wildlife: Sea Turtles
African Hingeback Tortoise Central
Dedicated to the care, biology, and conservation of tortoises in the genus Kinixys.
African Mud Turtles
An essay on taxonomy and the genus Pelusios by David Kirkpatrick.
American Box Turtles
Information on the conservation and captive care of North American Box Turtles, Terrapene sp.
Ashton Biodiversity Research and Preservation Inst
Research center contributing to a better understanding and management of biodiversity, currently focusing on turtle and tortoise conservation. Includes section on Gopher Tortoise Conservation Initiative.
Asian Turtle Crisis
The imminent threat of extinction of Asian turtle species from commercial exploitation, with links to related articles.
Bermuda Turtle Project
A research and education program sponsored by the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo and the Caribbean Conservation Corporation.
Big-headed Turtle
A small semi-terrestrial turtle from Southeast Asia: Platysternon megacephalum. David T. Kirkpatrick.
Box Turtle Conservation Strategies, McKeever Cente
Discusses loss of habitat, pet collecting, and predators.
Box Turtle Observation Project
General behavior observations, pictures, advice on NOT keeping them as pets.
California Turtle and Tortoise Club
Comprehensive resource for turtle and tortoise information. Includes photo gallery, sounds, species profiles, conservation news, and links.
Information about the biology and captive care of the Australasian Pig-Nose Turtle (Carettochelys insculpta) and Emydura species.
Information from paleontologist Elena Kordikova, including the origin and evolution of Chelonia, classification, nomenclature, and a bibliography.
Chelonian Research Foundation
Publisher of the journal Chelonian Conservation and Biology, The Turtle and Tortoise Newsletter, and Chelonian Research Monographs.
David Kirkpatrick's Turtle Stuff
Full text of published articles about many different species of turtles.
Desert Tortoise Council
An international nonprofit organization whose members share a common fascination with wild desert tortoises and the environment they depend upon.
Desert Tortoise Hub
Links to articles, photos, and research projects about Gopherus agassizii.
Desert Tortoise Preserve Committee
Group helps establish tortoise preserves, implements management programs for reserves and educational programs that evaluate measures aimed at ecosystem and critical habitat recovery.
Gopher Tortoise Guardians
Working hard to get better protection and to purchase habitat for tortoises in Florida.
Gopher Tortoise Organization
Conservation and management of the Gopher Tortoises (Gopherus polyphemus) and their habitat.
Leatherback Turtles in Cornwall
Description and classification of Dermochelys coriacea.
New York State Sea Turtle Program
A detailed study of the four species of sea turtles found in Long Island waters.
Nova Scotia Turtles
Photographic identification guide and species accounts for Nova Scotia's seven species.
Order Testudines
Informative pages from the Animal Diversity Web on most turtle species. Habitat information, photographs, and other resources.
Radiated Tortoise
Geochelone radiata, by David T. Kirkpatrick.
Red Eared Slider
Habitat and distribution Trachemys scripta elegans.
Semi-Aquatic Turtles Overview
The basics of turtle husbandry and recognizing commonly available native species from the States.
Snapping Turtle Page
Information about the biology and captive care of snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina).
Information about conservation of two species of tortoise (Testudo graeca and Testudo hermanni) in Bulgaria. In Bulgarian and English.
Turtle Survival Alliance
An international organization dedicated to sustainable captive management of freshwater turtles and tortoises.
Turtles and Tortugas
Personal page of a turtle fan with games and lots of other stuff.
Wood Turtle Earthworm Stomping
Stomping for Earthworms by Clemmys insculpta in Captivity.
World Chelonian Trust
Dedicated to the captive care and conservation of all turtles and tortoises. Includes gallery, care sheet, and taxonomic list.
World-Wide List of Turtles and Tortoises on Stamps
Illustrated list of stamps with depictions of turtles or tortoises.