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Amblyrhynchus cristatus - Marine Iguana
Biology and taxonomy of this Galapagos Islands reptile.
Crazy Crotaphytus
Photos of North American collared lizards of the genus Crotaphytus.
Galapagos Land Iguana - Conolophus
Biology, evolution, and conservation status.
Galapagos Marine Iguana - Amblyrhynchus cristatus
Extensively illustrated discussion of biology and distribution.
Horned Lizard Conservation Society
Devoted to discovering why the Texas Horned Lizard (Phrynosoma cornutum) has declined in numbers so dramatically in recent years, and what can be done to reverse the process.
Horned Lizards
The biology of the bizarre, spiny, ant-eating, Phrynosoma of North America.
Iguana iguana Bibliography
Bibliography of studies concerned with the green iguana (Iguana iguana) - general biology, ecology and environment, behavior and sociality, breeding and nesting, captive husbandry and veterinary care.
International Iguana Society
A non-profit, international organization dedicated to the preservation of the biological diversity of iguanas through habitat preservation, active conservation, research, captive breeding, and dissemination of information.
Marine Iguanas
Overview of marine iguana habitats, feeding patterns, and behavior.
Melissa Kaplan's Herp and Iguana Care Informa
Extensive list of articles and resources for many aspects of captive iguana care. Includes cross references to other research.
Sceloporus woodi (Florida Scrub Lizard, Scrub Pine
Narrative, including geographic range, physical characteristics, natural history, economic importance, and list of references.
Sympatric Horned Lizards
The food habits of the Horned Lizards (Phrynosoma modestum and P. cornutum) that coexist in a creosotebush desert grassland community in southeastern Arizona.
The Jamaican Iguana Page
A page dedicated to the conservation of these wonderful lizards. Also has a forum pertaining to all subspecies of Iguanas and Iguana breeding, or keeping.
The National Iguana Awareness
To educate the public on the care of green iguanas and to make others aware of the injustices against iguanas that have been largely ignored by the public in years.
West Indian Rock Iguanas
AZA Species Survival Plan Profile.