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Aangelina Aardvark
Description of an aardvark at the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago, as well as general species information.
Description and photos of Orycteropus afer from Djuma Game Reserve.
Aardvark (Earth pig, Ant bear)
One page description of aardvarks (Orycteropus afer), with links to photo and sources cited.
Aardvark (Orycteropus afer) skeleton
Diagram and description of the aardvark skeleton.
Aardvark - Wikipedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The Aardvark is a mammal of order Tubulidentata, genus Orycteropus.
Aardvarkland - All About Aardvarks
Compilation of links, information, photos, and fun bits about the very unique animal, the aardvark (order Tubulidentata)!
Aardvarks: Centre Burrow
Brief information about Orycteropus afer's physical appearance, habits, diet, defense, social life, and classification.
AWF Wildlives: Aardvark
Physical characteristics, diet, and habitat, of Orycteropus afer.
BBC Online - Really Wild Zone - Aardvark
Short description of aardvarks (Orycteropus afer) and one photo.
Enchanted Learning - Aall Aabout Aardvarks
Childrens site about aardvarks (Orycteropus afer) with links to printouts and learning activities.
I am an Aardvark!
One page description of the life of Orycteropus afer... from its point of view
Mattie's Official Aardvark Site
Short presentation by a student about the aardvark (Orycteropus afer).
Order Tubulidentata/Family Orycteropodidae
Biology of the Aardvark (Orycteropus afer), the only species in this order.
Orycteropus afer (Aardvark)
Detailed information, photos, and classification of aardvarks.
General description of the order, of which the only living species is the aardvark, plus biological information, range map, and links on Orycteropus afer (aardvark).