english deutsch
Pan paniscus
Bonobo (Pygmy Chimpanzee), Bonobo Sex and Society, Bonobo Sex and Society, Bonobo Society: Amicable, Amorous and Run by Femal, Bonobo: The Forgotten Ape, Bonobo: The Forgotten Ape, Bonobos: The Left-Bank Chimpanzees, Comparison of Some Similar Chimpanzee and Human Be, Pygmy Chimpanzee (Bonobo), Taxonomy Browser: Pan paniscus
Pan troglodytes
Jane Goodall Institute - Chimpanzee Central, Pan troglodytes, WWF - Chimpanzee
Save the Chimps
Group that cares for abandoned and orphaned chimpanzees.
The Most Powerful Chimpanzee of the Netherlands
Research on the Arnhem Zoo chimpanzee colony and publications by Otto Adang, e.g. about teasing and the development of quasi-aggressive behavior.