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Animal Bytes - Western Lowland Gorilla
An easy readable fact sheet about the Gorilla gorilla gorilla containing also "Fun Facts" and a text about the ecology and conservation of this species
BBC Really Wild Zone - Gorilla
Simple and clear introduction to these animals, suitable for children and young adults.
Descriptional fact sheet containing habitat information, social structure and behaviour of the Gorilla.
Provides short description about the Gorilla in general.
Gorilla 100
Celebrates the original discovery of the mountain gorilla -- details of events in Rwanda. (Gorilla gorilla beringei)
Gorilla gorilla beringei (Mountain Gorilla)
Lists the range, habitat, reproduction habits and physical description.
Gorilla gorilla gorilla (Western Lowland Gorilla)
Gorilla gorilla graueri (Eastern Lowland Gorilla)
Facts, photos and videos of the Eastern Lowland gorilla. Discusses appearance, food, habitat, social structure, offspring and intelligance.
Gorilla Haven
The Dewar Wildlife Trust's Gorilla Haven Project: a sanctuary presently under construction for gorillas in the North Georgia Mountains
Gorilla Help
Information about gorilla conservation from Kilimanjaro.com.
Information on gorillas in general, the western lowland gorilla and the mountain gorilla, photos, and links.
Gorillas Online
Gorilla information, research, conservation, news, facts, and original photographs by Tim Knight. The Natural History section includes information on the population and distribution of gorillas in the wild.
Instant Essays: Gorilla A comparison with humans a
An essay making comparison of gorillas with humans in general and a critique of methods of study
International Gorilla Conservation Programme
Describes the work of this organization dedicated to the preservation of mountain gorillas and their habitat. Includes a species profile, news, galleries of pictures and details of how you can help to protect them.
Montain Gorilla
Contains an overview of the Mountain Gorilla including a "creature profile"
Mountain Gorilla
Articles and information about the making of the IMAX film Mountain Gorilla. Includes image gallery.
Mountain Gorilla and Rainforest Direct Aid
Supporting national parks and conservation projects for eastern gorilla populations.
Mountain Gorilla Geomatics Project
Geomatics technologies in support of the on-going research activities to preserve the Mountain Gorillas in the Virunga mountains.
Report on the Status and Conservation of the Monta
The UNEP / WCMC report on the Status of the Gorilla gorilla beringei
The Gorilla Foundation/Koko.org
Home of Koko the talking gorilla, The Gorilla Foundation/Koko.org was established in 1976 to promote the preservation of gorillas and teaches a modified form of American Sign Language to two lowland gorillas.
Western Gorilla Conservation
WesternGorilla.org is a network of researchers and conservationists committed to ensuring the survival of the western gorilla.
WPRC Primate Image Collection
"Primate Images from the Audiovisual Archive Wisconsin Primate Research Center" - A gallery of photos showing the Gorilla gorilla gorilla and Gorilla gorilla beringei
WWF - Western Gorillas
Biology and conservation issues of Gorilla gorilla.
WWF US: Gorillas - Gorilla Pictures and Informatio
World Wildlife Fund works to save gorillas from the threats of habitat loss, poaching, and disease such as Ebola virus.