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Discovering Whales: The Right Whale
General information, illustrations, and map.
News and information about the biology and conservation of Right Whales and other large whales around the world.
Northern and Southern Right Whales
Information from the National Marine Mammal Laboratory.
Northern Right Whale on Path to Extinction
Report from the Environmental News Network.
On the Trail of the Northern Atlantic Right Whale
Description of the research tagging program of the New England Aquarium and NOAA.
Pygmy Right Whale
Description of Caperea marginata from Walker's Mammals of the World.
Right Whale Data and Maps
Extensive information from the western North Atlantic, including sighting reports, Right Whale recovery plans, and whale watch guidelines, and reports on entangled whales.
Right Whales
Description of the Balaenidae and its two species from Walker's Mammals of the World by Ronald Nowak.
Southern Right Whale in Argentina
Photos and information from the Valdes Peninsula.