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Chemical Contaminants in Gray Whales
Discusses chemical contaminants in gray whales stranded in Alaska, Washington, and California.
Dana Point - About Gray Whales
Information about the California gray whale and its habitat.
Discovering Whales: The Gray Whale
General information and distribution of the Gray Whale (Eschrichtius robustus).
Diving Behaviour of a Gray Whale
Includes experiences with a tagging project to examine detailed diving behavior of feeding gray whales.
Endangered: Gray Whale
Provides information about gray whales as an endangered species.
Eschrichtius robustus
Includes information about the gray whale as provided by the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.
Gray Whale
Provides information including maps and photographs provided by Alaska Sea Grant Marine Education.
Gray Whale
Detailed description of Eschrichtius robustus from Walker's Mammals of the World.
Gray Whale Census and Behavior Project
Provides information on the long-term shore-based study of animals off the Palos Verdes Peninsula in southern California.
Gray Whale Cetacean Fact Sheet
Includes information about the gray whale provided by the American Cetacean Society.
Gray Whale Images
Includes photography of gray whales during annual migration along the coast of California and in the lagoons of Baja California, Mexico.
Gray Whale Mortality
Provides quantitative information about gray whale mortality in fishing gear in British Columbia.
Gray Whale Project
Information about an educational program for middle school students.
Gray Whales of Baja
Information on gray whales in Baja.
Gray Whales with Winston
Provides information on gray whales, whale watching, pictures, and news.
Marine Mammal Center: Gray Whale
Information on gray whales such as description, and range.
Pacific Gray Whales
A slide show featuring photos of Pacific gray whales.
Prince of Whales: Gray Whales
Photos and information on gray whales encounters in British Columbia.
Puzzling Deaths of Gray Whales Off California Coas
A CNN article exploring the increase in deaths of gray whales off the California coast.
Sea World: Gray Whales
Provides information on the California gray whale such as distribution, feeding, size and mortality rates.
The Friendly Whales of Mexico
Includes information about and photos of gray whales in Mexico.
Watching for Gray Whales
Information about gray whales and gray whale watching in northern Oregon.
Whale Skeleton Recovery
Series of photographs of several college students recovering the skeleton of a young California Gray Whale.
WhaleTimes Facts: Gray Whales
Includes facts, figures, and pictures.
Zoom Whales: Gray Whales
Includes information such as size, diet, known predators, vocalization, migration, reproduction, and pictures of the gray whale.