english deutsch
Amit's Panda Website, Animal Info - Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), Fujifilm: Meet the Giant Pandas of the Smithsonian, Giant Panda - Ailuropoda melanoleuca, Giant Panda - Bear Biology, Giant Panda - National Zoo, Giant Panda - Panda Kids, Giant Panda - Photos, Giant Panda - theBigZoo.com, Giant Panda Conservation Plan: Pandas in the Publi
Ailurus fulgens (Red Panda), Red Panda (Ailurus fulgens), The Red Panda (Ailurus fulgens) Pages
Sloth Bears
Lincoln Park Zoo: Spectacled Bear, Spectacled Bear (Tremarctos ornatus), Spectacled Bear (Tremarctos ornatus), Tremarctos ornatus
Ursus americanus, Ursus maritimus, Urus arctos, Asiatic Black Bear, Faune Explo, Sun Bear - Ursus malayanus
Site introduces taxonomy terms and has a definition for each (phylum, sub-phylum, class, order, family and species); under the Ursidea (bear) family a page for each species is provided.
Bear Research, Education, and Conservation Program
Washington State University site on bear research and management.
Bear Taxon Advisory Group Educational Site
Official website of the AZA's conservation subcommittee for the conservation of bears, with information about the eight species of bears.
Bear Trust International
General information, habitat conservation and education projects.
International Association for Bear Research and Ma
A non-profit organization of biologists and others working with bears. Site has bear descriptions by species.