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Amblonyx Otter Site
Informative and fun site dedicated to otters worldwide, with a comprehensive factfile on the British otter.
Amy's Sea Otter Page
Information on a number of lutrine species. Includes pictures as well as habitat and behavior information concerning sea otters, Enhydra lutris.
California Sea Otter Project
Promotes the rapid recovery of the California Sea Otter, an indicator of near shore ocean health, by facilitating research and communicating research results to the general public and policy makers.
Cape Clawless Otter - theBigZoo.com
Aonyx capensis facts, photos and video of otter swimming. Also has message board.
Giant Otter Project
Aims to increase knowledge and understanding of the Giant Otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) and to develop a comprehensive conservation plan for the species in Peru.
Golden State Images: Sea Otters
Photography of sea otters taken in the wild along the southern California coast.
International Otter Survival Fund
About otters and their conservation and protection worldwide.
IX International Otter Colloquium - Home
In June 2004, the USA (Maryland) will be hosting the IX International Otter Colloquium. Key world experts will be participating.
New York River Otter Project
Reintroduction project site with notes on River Otter biology.
Otter Site
Photographs of otters, otter surveying, wildlife watching, otter surveys and photographing opportunities in Cumbria.
Otter Special Group (Asian Section)
Otter news, literature, and links.
Otter Specialist Group - IUCN
The World Conservation Union (IUCN) Otter Specialist Group represents a worldwide group of experts helping to conserve all species of otters.
Species, habitats, conservation news, links to other sites, kids' area, and contests.
River Otter Alliance
Promotes the conservation of the North American River Otter (Lutra canadensis).
Smithsonian Magazine - Otterly Fascinating
Article about giant otters in Brazil.
Tracking River Otters
Guide to enjoying river otters based on personal experiences on an island in the St. Lawrence River.
Useful References: Marine and Sea Otters
Bibliography of technical and popular articles from the Encyclopedia Smithsonian.
WildCam Otters
Indoor and outdoor views of otters in action, from National Geographic.