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Arctic Fox
Range, physical adaptations, breeding, and diet of Alopex lagopus. Includes a photo.
Fox Forest
Pictures, sounds, movies, stories, and other fox-related stuff.
Foxes Online
Photos plus facts about this canine's range, physical characteristics, territory, behavior, and breeding.
Foxwatch Ireland
Information on foxes, observing foxes, gallery, FAQs, and links.
Gray Fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus)
Species account describes the habitat, reproduction, diet, and range of this mammal.
Lazy Fox's Spot
Images, sounds, stories, information, and links related to foxes.
Liska's EncycVulpedia
Descriptions, distribution, habitat, feeding habits, social habits, life cycle, and articles about foxes of the world.
OzFoxes FoxWeb
Information and FAQ about backyard foxes.
Red Fox (Vulpes Vulpes)
Facts about the habits, reproduction, feeding, and physical appearance of this mammal. Includes a photo.
Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes)
Species account and photos from the Animal Diversity Web.
Swedish-Finnish Arctic Fox Project
Conservation project for the arctic fox in Scandinavia.
Swift Fox
Information about the Swift Fox from the Canadian Wildlife Service.
Swift Fox -- Vulpes Velox
A description of the endangered Swift Fox, its disappearance and reintroduction in Canada.
Swift Fox Symposium
Abstracts: Ecology and conservation of swift foxes in a changing world. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. February 18-19, 1998.
Urban Foxes
Nature and lifestyle of neighborhood foxes in Manchester, UK.