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African hunting dog, Lycaon pictus
Notes on this canine's physical appearance, social behavior, hunting strategies, and habitat.
African Wild Dog
Summary and update on this species under threat from the World Conservation Monitoring Centre [WCMC/WWF].
African Wild Dog (Lycaon pictus)
Short introduction from the American Museum of Natural History.
African Wild Dog (Lycaon pictus)
Facts about physical traits, habitat, diet, and reproduction. Includes a photo.
African Wild Dog Conservation
This organization monitors and protects the African wild dog population in the Lower Zambezi National Park in Zambia.
African Wild Dog Status Survey and Action Plan
IUCN/SSC Canid Specialist Group report (1997) is an authoritative resource on Lycaon pictus biology, research techniques, population declines, extinction risk, and opportunities for species recovery.
African Wild Dog: Rare wild dogs give clues to pet
About Lycaon pictus, the Cape hunting dog, and its behavior.
African Wild Dogs
In the Conservation Spotlight, excerpted from S. Rotz Mamakos, AZA Communique, 1996.
Influences on Group Size and Population Decline in
Article by Christie A. McCloud.
Living Africa: Wild Dog or Cape Hunting Dog (Lycao
Physical appearance, range, behavior, and reproduction.
Lycaon pictus (African Hunting Dog)
Notes on taxonomy, biology, and behavior.
Painted Dog Conservation
Supporting the work of GSA Rasmussen in Hwange, Zimbabwe. News, photo gallery, and information about the biology, distribution, evolution of Lycaon pictus.
Rabies in African Wild Dogs (Lycaon pictus) in the
Paper from the Rabies Unit, Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute, 1999.
Save the African Wild Dog
Information about Lycaon pictus and how to send donations to help preserve this endangered species.
The Future of the Wild Dog Hangs in the Balance
From Wildnet Africa.
The Wild Dog Project
Details of a conservation project in the Venetia-Limpopo Nature Reserve, South Africa.