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African Wild Dog
African hunting dog, Lycaon pictus, African Wild Dog, African Wild Dog (Lycaon pictus), African Wild Dog (Lycaon pictus), African Wild Dog Conservation, African Wild Dog Status Survey and Action Plan, African Wild Dog: Rare wild dogs give clues to pet, African Wild Dogs, Influences on Group Size and Population Decline in, Living Africa: Wild Dog or Cape Hunting Dog (Lycao
Coyote, Coyote, Coyote, Coyote, Coyote (Canis latrans), Coyote's Den, Species Spotlight: Coyotes (Canis latrans), Tim's Coyote Resources
Dhole (Cuon alpinus) facts and pictures, Dhole Home Page, Dhole Information Page, Nature Wildfacts Dholes, The Social Life of the Dhole.
Arctic Fox, Fox Forest, Foxes Online, Foxwatch Ireland, Gray Fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus), Lazy Fox's Spot, Liska's EncycVulpedia, OzFoxes FoxWeb, Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes), Red Fox (Vulpes Vulpes)
Golden or Asiatic Jackal (Canis aureus), In The Wild - The Jackal, Jackal
Ethiopian Wolf, Arctic Wolves (Canis lupus arctos), Arctic Wolves and their Prey, Behavior and Ecology of Wolves, Boomer Wolf Web Site, California Wolf Center, Canadian Centre for Wolf Research, Ethiopian Wolf, Gray Wolf, International Wolf Center, Lonewolf's Wolf Information Page
Biodidac: Canid Skull
Diagram of the skull of a canid.
Canid Specialist Group
Part of the IUCN's Species Survival Commission, dedicated to co-ordinating and conducting research and conservation activities worldwide to conserve endangered canid species. Includes accounts of the natural history of each of the 35 species of wild canids.
Family overview and species accounts from the Animal Diversity Web.
Evolution of North American Canids
The evolution of the genus Canis is a complex topic involving at least five continents. The genus arose in North America sometime in the Late Miocene.
Family Canidae
Overview and phylogeny of the 35 species of this family.
IUCN/SSC Canid Specialist Group Publications
Conservation action plans, papers, and Canid News, a journal with articles relevant to the biology and conservation of canid species.
Wolves, Coyotes and Dogs
Including the dire wolf, as found in the U.S. Midwest 16,000 years ago, from the Illinois State Museum.