Arctic Char: Salvelinus alpinus
Description, life cycle, and range. Focus on lake populations in Alaska.
Atlantic Salmon: Salmo salar
Fact sheet with photo, focused on this fish as it occurs in the North American Great Lakes, where it was introduced.
Atlantic Salmon: Salmo salar
Physical characteristics, preferred foods, life cycle, and conservation status of this ocean-going native of large cool rivers, now raised commercially worldwide.
Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis)
Illustration, information, and distribution in New York.
Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) Species Factsheet
Includes distribution, physical characteristics, natural history, and other topics. From Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.
Brown Trout: Salmo trutta
Fact sheet, with image, about this fish of Europe and western Asia that was introduced and is naturalized in much of North America.
Chinook Salmon: Oncorhynchus tschawytscha
Fact sheet with image, focused on the North American Great Lakes, where populations are maintained by annual stream stocking programs.
Coho Salmon: Oncorhynchus kisutch
Fact sheet, with image, describing this fish particularly as it occurs in the North American Great Lakes, where it is introduced and maintained by stocking programs.
Conservation Genetic Management of Brown Trout in
On-line report describing the conservation status of brown trout (Salmo trutta) and providing recommendations for conservation of genetic resources in this and other species of salmonid fishes.
Golden Trout - Oncorhynchus mykiss aguabonita
Photo and information about California's state fish and its habitat.
Kokanee Salmon: Oncorhynchus nerka kennerlyi
Freshwater sockeye salmon. Reproductively isolated ocean-going, stream-spawning, and lake beach-spawning populations may exist side by side. From a site on protection of the Okanagan Lake kokanee.
Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush) Species Sheet
Description, image, life history, and other information on this inland freshwater fish indigenous to North America. From Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.
Lake Whitefish: Coregonus clupeaformis
Fact sheet, with image, about this large fish of the North American Great Lakes.
Menominee: Prosopium cylindraceum
Fact sheet, with image, about this fish of the North American Great Lakes, also known as the round whitefish.
Pink Salmon: Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
Fact sheet about this introduced fish of the North American Great Lakes, known in its native Pacific Northwest as the humpback salmon. Includes image.
Salmon Farms Pose Significant Threat To Salmon Fis
Farm-raised salmon are causing both ecological problems and economic problems for the commercial fishing industry.
Salmon: Spirit of the Land and Sea
An online photographic expedition on the biology of Pacific wild salmon in the coastal waters and rivers of British Columbia's Great Bear Rainforest.
Detailed key, with diagrams, for distinguishing between various European members of the Pike family (Esocidae), the Smelt family (Osmeridae) and the Salmon family (Salmonidae).
Steelhead: Salmo gairdneri
Fact sheet about this introduced fish (a rainbow trout) of the North American Great Lakes, with image.
The Salmon Page
Large collection of links and other resources about these fish, compiled by an elementary school in Portland, Oregon. Topics include biology education and conservation, in addition to how to catch them, cook them, and buy them.