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Common Crane (Grus grus)
Images, videos, and sound recordings of this species.
International Crane Foundation
International center for the study and preservation of cranes.
Majestic & Endangered Whooping Crane (Grus ame
Photos and facts from an Alberta, Canada perspective.
Sandhill Crane
Explains how this bird (Grus canadensis) differs from the Great Blue Heron in appearance, nesting habits, and calls. Describes the crane's food habits and migration.
Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis)
Photos of this bird in flight, wading, and on the shore.
Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis)
Habitat, breeding, diet, and taxonomy of this wading bird. With photos.
Whooping Crane Conservation Association
Organization promoting preservation efforts for the Whooping Crane (Grus americana) and its habitat.
Whooping Crane Report
News, information, and images from the USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center.