english deutsch
Ambystoma annulatum (Ringed Salamander)
Photo, range, habitat, physical appearance, reproduction, behavior, and diet.
Ambystoma annulatum (Ringed Salamander)
Physical traits, distribution, habitat, life history, and conservation status. Includes a photo.
Ambystoma californiense (California Tiger Salamand
Physical appearance, range, habitat, breeding, and conservation status. With a photo.
Ambystoma californiense (California Tiger Salamand
Describes the habitat, range, physical traits, reproduction, behavior, and food habits of this species. Provides an image.
Ambystoma cingulatum (Flatwoods Salamander)
Photo and species account, including facts on distribution, habitat, and life history.
Ambystoma cingulatum (Flatwoods Salamander)
Physical description, range, habitat, and life history. Provides a photo.
Ambystoma gracile (Northwestern Salamander)
Description of physical traits and facts on range, habitat, and life history. Image included.
Ambystoma gracile (Northwestern Salamander)
Detailed fact sheet includes image and range map.
Ambystoma jeffersonianum (Jefferson Salamander)
Image, distribution map, and brief description.
Ambystoma laterale (Blue Spotted Salamander)
Physical characteristics, behavior, ecology, and reproduction. Includes an image and range map.
Ambystoma laterale (Blue-spotted Salamander)
Images and information about behavior and habitat.
Ambystoma macrodactylum (Long-toed Salamander)
Provides an image and facts on habitat, breeding, and subspecies.
Ambystoma macrodactylum (Long-toed Salamander)
Describes characteristics of three subspecies. Includes facts on distribution, behavior, and ecology.
Ambystoma maculatum (Spotted Salamander)
Features images and a brief description.
Ambystoma maculatum (Yellow Spotted Salamander)
Describes physical features, behavior, and ecology of this species. Includes an image and range map.
Ambystoma opacum (Marbled Salamander)
Photos and brief description, including information on distinguishing from similar species.
Ambystoma opacum (Marbled Salamander)
Fact sheet includes information on habitat, reproduction, and behavior. Images provided.
Ambystoma talpoideum (Mole Salamander)
Includes images, identification tips, and facts on habitat and breeding.
Ambystoma talpoideum (Mole Salamander)
Provides photos and describes the polymorphic life cycle of this species.
Ambystoma texanum (Small-mouthed Salamander)
Detailed species account includes photos and taxonomy chart.
Ambystoma texanum (Smallmouth Salamander)
Physical features, behavior, ecology, and life history. Includes a photo.