english deutsch
Ambystoma annulatum (Ringed Salamander), Ambystoma annulatum (Ringed Salamander), Ambystoma californiense (California Tiger Salamand, Ambystoma californiense (California Tiger Salamand, Ambystoma cingulatum (Flatwoods Salamander), Ambystoma cingulatum (Flatwoods Salamander), Ambystoma gracile (Northwestern Salamander), Ambystoma gracile (Northwestern Salamander), Ambystoma jeffersonianum (Jefferson Salamander), Ambystoma laterale (Blue Spotted Salamander)
Amphiuma means (Two-toed Amphiuma), Amphiuma pholeter (One-toed Amphiuma), Amphiuma tridactylum (Three-toed Amphiuma)
Aneides aeneus (Green Salamander), Aneides ferreus (Clouded Salamander), Aneides ferreus (Clouded Salamander), Aneides flavipunctatus (Black Salamander), Aneides lugubris (Arboreal Salamander), Aneides vagrans (Wandering Salamander)
Desmognathus aeneus (Seepage Salamander), Desmognathus auriculatus (Southern Dusky Salamande, Desmognathus auriculatus (Southern Dusky Salamande, Desmognathus fuscus, Desmognathus conanti (Norther, Desmognathus imitator (Imitator Salamander), Desmognathus marmoratus (Shovel-nosed Salamander), Desmognathus monticola (Seal Salamander), Desmognathus ochrophaeus (Allegheny Mountain Dusky, Desmognathus quadramaculatus (Black-bellied Salama, Desmognathus quadramaculatus (Blackbelly Salamande
Eurycea bislineata (Northern Two-lined Salamander), Eurycea bislineata (Two-lined Salamander), Eurycea chamberlaini (Chamberlain's Dwarf Sal, Eurycea cirrigera (Southern Two-lined Salamander), Eurycea guttolineata (Three-lined Salamander), Eurycea junaluska (Junaluska Salamander), Eurycea longicauda (Longtail Salamander), Eurycea lucifuga (Cave Salamander), Eurycea lucifuga (Cave Salamander), Eurycea nana (San Marcos Salamander)
Gyrinophilus porphyriticus (Spring Salamander), Gyrinophilus porphyriticus (Spring Salamander), Gyrinophilus porphyriticus (Spring Salamander), Gyrinophilus porphyriticus danielsi (Blue-Ridge Sp
Necturus alabamensis (Alabama Waterdog, Black Warr, Necturus beyeri (Gulf Coast Waterdog), Necturus lewisi (Neuse River waterdog), Necturus lewisi (Neuse River Waterdog), Necturus maculosus (Mudpuppy or Waterdog), Necturus punctatus (Dwarf Waterdog), Necturus punctatus (Dwarf Waterdog)
Notophthalmus meridionalis (Black-spotted Newt), Notophthalmus perstriatus (Striped Newt), Notophthalmus viridescens (Eastern Newt or Red-spo, Notophthalmus viridescens (Red-Spotted Newt), Notophthalmus viridescens (Red-Spotted Newt), Notophthalmus viridescens viridescens (Red-Spotted
Plethodon cinereus (Eastern Red-backed Salamander), Plethodon cinereus (Eastern Red-backed Salamander), Plethodon cinereus (Eastern Redback Salamander), Plethodon dunni (Dunn's Salamander), Plethodon elongatus (Del Norte Salamander), Plethodon glutinosus (Northern Slimy Salamander), Plethodon idahoensis (Coeur d'Alene Salamande, Plethodon jordani (Jordan's Salamander), Plethodon larselli (Larch Mountain Salamander), Plethodon oconaluftee (Southern Appalachian Salama
Pseudotriton monatnus (Eastern Mud Salamander), Pseudotriton montanus (Mud Salamander), Pseudotriton ruber (Red Salamander), Pseudotriton ruber (Red Salamander), Pseudotriton ruber (Red Salamander)
Siren intermedia (Lesser Siren), Siren intermedia (Lesser Siren), Siren lacertina (Greater Siren), Siren lacertina (Greater Siren), Siren lacertina (Greater Siren)
Taricha granulosa (Rough-Skinned Newt), Taricha granulosa (Rough-skinned Newt), Taricha rivularis (Red-bellied Newt), Taricha torosa (California Newt), Taricha torosa (California Newt)
Introduction to the Japanese giant salamander (Andrias japonicus) in Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan.
Axolotol Colony
Indiana University's Axolotl Colony is a breeding colony of the Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) supported by the National Science Foundation.
Hellbender Homepage
Photos, ecology, habitat, and current scientific research on the Hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis), one of the largest amphibians in the United States.
Salamander Feeding Movies
Animated gifs of salamanders feeding by Stephen Deban.
Salamandra salamandra (Fire Salamander)
Species account includes facts, images, and taxonomy chart.