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Caecilians, Gymnophiona, Ichthyophis bannanica
Frogs and Toads
Bufonidae, Dendrobatidae, Mantellidae, Ranidae, 'Living Fossil' Frog Hopped with the Din, Biology of the Frog, Connecticut Frogs, Deformed Frogs in Minnesota, Exploratorium: Frogs, Frogs and Toads of Georgia, Frogs and Toads of South Carolina and Georgia, Frogs of Australia, Frogs of South America, Frogs of Tasmania
Ambystoma, Amphiuma, Aneides, Desmognathus, Eurycea, Gyrinophilus, Necturus, Notophthalmus, Plethodon, Pseudotriton
Amphibian Checklist and Identification Guide
Taxonomic checklist for North America north of Mexico and detailed accounts, including photos and range maps, for dozens of species.
Amphibian Declines in Australia
Research into the nature and causes including bibliography of published and unpublished material.
Amphibian Projects: Sri Lanka
Research and conservation of endemic species, with distribution data.
Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative Atlas
A compilation of current and historic records of amphibian occurrences in the United States, with range maps for each species to the county level.
Amphibian Species of the World
Comprehensive searchable catalog of the recognized amphibian species of the world with synonymies and references to the taxonomic literature.
Amphibians of Hiroshima
Information and photos of the 6 species of salamanders and 13 frogs in Hiroshima, Japan.
Amphibians of Panama
Full checklist with images and descriptions for many species.
Source for amphibian data and conservation resources.
Class Amphibia
Taxonomy list of Orders Anura, Gymnophiona and Urodela, with some images of species.
Connecticut Amphibians
Photos and life histories of the state's frogs and salmanders; recordings of frog calls.
Discover Canada's Amphibians
Explores amphibian morphology, ecology and evolution. All Canadian species are described in-depth.
Froghoo! from Amphibian Conservation Alliance
The internet's only search engine for amphibian conservation, biology, management, education, policy, breeding, and care information, with links to more than 1000 web sites, news articles, background papers, and books.
Amphibian Conservation Alliance site with information and resources related to amphibians and amphibian conservation in the USA.
Living Amphibians
Introduction to the taxonomy of Amphibia, including Salientia (frogs and toads), Caudata (salamanders and newts), and gymnophiona (caecilians).
Amphibian information resource, with species databases, captive care guides, articles, links, and photos.
North American Reporting Center for Amphibian Malf
Data and information on the issue of malformed amphibians, with an emphasis on North American occurrences.
Order Anura
Brief description of the order and its families, with representative photos for each family.