Africanised Honey Bees, Apiservices - Apiculture - Taxonomy, Bee Alert, Honeybee Biology, Honeybees of the Genus Apis, Queen Honey Bee Pheromone Research, ScienceDaily Magazine - 'Undertaker' Bee, Tales from the Hive - NOVA Online
Bombus Species, Bombus terrestris and Bombus lucorum, Bombus-L, Bumble Bees, Bumble Bees Around the House, Bumblebees, Bumblebees (Bombus), Discover the Bumble Bee, Plants of Interest to Bumblebees
Alfalfa Leafcutting Bee Biology and Management, Current Status of the Alfalfa Leafcutting Bee Mega, Megachile Species
Hornfaced Bee for Orchard Pollination, How to Raise and Manage Orchard Mason Bees for the, Mason Bees, Orchard Mason Bee, Orchard Mason Bees, The Orchard Mason Bee, The Orchard Mason Bee
Solitary Bees
Alternative Pollinators: Native Bees, Miner Bees, Planting a Bee Garden, Solitary Bee Boxes, Solitary Bees, Solitary Bees, Solitary Bees: An Addition to Honey Bees
Alternative Pollinators
Information on solitary bees and bumblebees.
Research journal on the biology of insects belonging to the superfamily Apoidea.
Australian Native Bee Research Centre
Guide to bees native to Australia.
Brisbane Bees
Pictures and information of bees in Brisbane, Australia.
Honey Bee Swarms
Discussion of swarming activity from the University of Nebraska.
Honey Bee Swarms and Bees in Walls
Includes information on the value of bees, dealing with swarming activity, and options for dealing with colonies in walls.
Detailed information about European bumblebees and their biology, how to build nesting aids and boxes, and where to place them. In German and English.
Life Cycle and Variations of Bees
Follows solitary bee development and provides extensive list of variations of bees.
Nature: Alien Empire - Enter the Hive
An interactive Flash site with a virtual tour through a beehive with distinct sections about pollination, developing larvae, storing honey, and the hive.
Xerces Society Pollinator Conservation Program
Information on the biology and conservation of native bees, including how to make bumble bees nesting boxes and provide the best foraging flowers.