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American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologist
A non-profit organization that promotes education and research in the science of palynology, the study of spores, pollen and certain algae.
Canadian Association of Palynologists
Covers all branches of palynology from the Paleozoic through the Quaternary.
Centre for Palynology at Sheffield University
About facilities, research, and graduate education opportunities.
Collegium Palynologicum Scandinavicum
A society of palynologists in the Scandinavian countries. Publishes the journal GRANA, World Pollen and Spore Flora (WPSF) and the Newsletter Palynonytt.
Florida Museum of Natural History
Paleobotanical and palynological holdings of the museum. Site contains type collection information, publications data and image gallery.
Forensic Palynology
Article on the use of Palynology in criminal investigations.
Glossary of Pollen and Spore Terminology
Online version of the glossary created to summarise and explain palynological terminology.
NOAA Paleoclimatology Program - Modern and Fossil
A searchable collection of pollen data from around the world
Searchable palynological database from the Department of Ultrastructure Research and Palynology, University of Vienna, Austria.
Paleopalynology at the University of Calgary
Studies of fossil pollen, spores, algae. Site has images and links.
Palynology and Organic Petrology
Worldwide research and consultancy in palynology and organic petrology at Trinity College Dublin, especially on the Devonian and Carboniferous. Site includes Ph.D. projects and publications.
Palynology at the University of Arizona
Featuring links, definitions, illustrations, and a "Pollen Grain of the Month".
Palynology Group of The Micropalaeontological Soci
Group report.
World Wide Web Sites for Palynologists
A collection of Palynology links.