Astronomy 161: Neptune
General features and some pictures.
Encarta Encyclopedia: Neptune
Information on the planet Neptune.
Exploring the Planets: Neptune
Information and photographs on the moons, atmosphere, and rings of planet Neptune
John Couch Adams and Neptune
The History of its discovery.
Mathematical Discovery of Neptune
Another interesting history on how planets can be discovered mathematically.
Pictures, statistics, and detailed information on planet Neptune.
Concise introduction to this cold and distant planet, with numerous resources including animations and vital statistics.
Its atmosphere, rings, moons, appearance, and links to related sites.
NSSDC Photo Gallery: Neptune
Select images of the planet, with brief captions.
Royal Greenwich Observatory: Neptune
Basic overview.
Science Paradise: Neptune
Information on the History, Stats, Atmosphere, and Moons of Neptune.
The Discovery of Neptune
Interesting history on why it wasn't discovered sooner by the British.
Views of the Solar System: Neptune
Views, animations, general information and data of the planet.
Welcome to the Planets: Neptune
Planetary profile and vital statistics.
Windows to the Universe: Neptune
Overview of several aspects of the planet. Versions available for beginner, intermediate and advanced level users.