Correct Time and Moon Phase
From the atomic clock at the United States Naval Observatory.
How long does each phase of the Moon last?
NASA's Dr. Marc of The Space Place answers questions about Moon phases and the lunar month. Includes GIF animation of the Moon going through its phases.
Lange and Söhne 1815 Moonphase Watch
Mechanical watch that displays the phase of the Moon, accurate to one day in 1000 years.
Moon Phases
Information and Perl script to calculate moon phases including phase illumination age distances angular diameter new/full moon calculation
Moon Phases 5000 Year Catalog
NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center (GSFC) Five Millennia Catalog of the phases of the Moon.
Moonstick Information Site
Describes a slide rule Moon phase calendar accurate over 8000 years into the past or future, and provides other methods of computing astronomical information.
Phase of Moon
Displays the phase of the Moon in a browser window, with times of last and next Full Moon and New Moon.
Phase of Moon GIF
A 100 by 100 pixel GIF image of the current Moon phase on a black background, from the United States Naval Observatory. Accessible as a URL for embedding in web pages.
Phases of the Moon and Percent of the Moon Illumin
Pictures, animations, and brief comments.
Phases of the Moon Exercise
Shows the Moon in eight positions around the Earth to shade in the dark area and the unobservable side.
Saint Paul Public Schools Phase of Moon Test
Twenty-five questions about the Moon's phases and rotation with an answer key, geared to fifth-graders.
Sky & Telescope: Dating van Gogh's Moonri
Article identifying the exact date and time of van Gogh's Moonrise painting, based on Moon phase calculations.
Sky & Telescope: Greek Marathon Dated from Pha
Describes how astronomers used phase of Moon calculations and ancient Greek religous festivals to date the original Marathon run.
StarChild Moonlight Madness
NASA's Star Child site page that describes the phases of the Moon. Ends with a test to identify the eight Moon phases and their order.
The Moon: It's Just a Phase It's Going T
The Astronomical Society of the Pacific's detailed explanations of the Moon's phases, including positions of the Moon in southern and northern hemispheres during its different phases and the times of day each phase is visible.
The Space Place Images of Earth's Moon for th
NASA Moon images with captions showing different phases, suitable for printing and classroom display.
The UnMuseum's Ponzo and the Moon
Explains why the Ponzo Illusion makes the Moon appear larger when near the horizon.
Virtual Reality Moon Phase
The United States Naval Observatory (USNO) Moon phase display for the years 1800 through 2199.
Xphoon sets the X-Windows root window image to a picture of the Moon in its current phase.