english deutsch
FM Radio Detection of Meteors
Gives details of the construction and operation of an amateur observatory for radio meteor studies. The 1998 Leonid and Geminid meteor showers were observed using the forward scatter of the signal from an FM radio station, and these data are presented.
High Speed Meteor Scatter Operation
Many of the most important papers and technical information on high speed CW meteor scatter operation.
Jordan Astronomica Society: Observing Meteors by R
How it works, results, references and links.
Meteor and Colorgramme
Software for radio meteor observation, online data from operating stations.
Observations with radio and meteor scatter software. Technical information, terminology, data, downloads area.
Radio Design Services
Provides information on detecting meteors by radio. Includes descriptions of the principles and equipment used, and results with related links.
Radio Meteor Observation
Observational data of meteor streams by Chigusa High School (Aichi, Japan) and Misato Observatory (Wakayama, Japan).
Radio Meteor Observation Live Data
Real time graphical data from stations using the software HROFFT.
Radio Meteor Observing Bulletin
Observation Summaries, news, observer activities.