Astronomy Digest
[online] Free monthly Astronomy e-zine with current Astronomy news, and product reviews.
Be Star
Discusses information about early-type stars and especially hot, near main-sequence stars. Includes pdf downloads of the most recent issues.
Cool Universe
Find Astronomy news briefs, useful links, science features, book, website, TV/movie reviews.
Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy
Published by the Working Group for the History of Astronomy in the Astronomische Gesellschaft. Subscription is free.
Regulus Astro
Online Newsletter. Updated monthly and geared for amateurs of all levels.
The Sky over Berlin
[online] Monthly updated sky calendar with events and articles about the astronomical highlights of the month, as viewed from Berlin/Germany. Begun in July, 1992.
Under the Western Sky... A Webzine for the West an
Free monthly Webzine of astronomy, history, weather, and much more for the Western U.S.