Chats and Forums
ATOZastro Forums for Meade Telescopes, Meade4504Telescopes, Meade4504Telescopes eGroup, Yahoo Groups - Portaball, Yahoo! Groups - MakScopes
ATS - Techniques and Tips
An article entitled: A Professional Method for Cleaning Optics by Robert Ariail.
Choosing your Telescope's Magnification
Selection depends on eyesight, telescope's aperture and optical design, atmospheric conditions, and type and size of the object being viewed.
Collimating Newtonian Optics
Consists of two steps: aiming the eyepiece axis at the center of the primary, and aiming the primary at the center of the eyepiece.
Collimation of Newtonian Telescope without Specia
Intended to guide a inexperienced telescope user through a rough collimation process in which expensive additional tools are not required to obtain a workable collimation.
FAQ About Collimating a Newtonian Telescope
Questions on how important the answers are to the performance of the instrument.
How to Modify Your Celstar C8 Wedgepod for Easier
Methods to correct the problems that arise when trying to properly polar align.
How to Polar Align
Balancing the declination axis and the right ascension axis, aligning to north star, and using mount to locate objects.
How-to Articles
Contains practicals, mounts, eyepiece cases, dew shields, ATM's, star charts, and mini's.
Reviews, knowledgebase, gallery, FAQ, message forum, classifieds, store, and links.
Meade Advanced Products Users Group
The resource website for the LX200, LX90, LX50, LXD55, Starfinder, and ETX telescopes, and Pictor CCD cameras and imaging software.
Meade DS Telescopes
A place of discussion for users and owners.
Measuring Reflectivity of Secondary Mirrors
An article by Dave Scherping.
Mike Barrell's Astronomy Page
Equipment information, alignment tips, images, planet finder, ham radio/WB9DLC, and links.
NexStar Resource Site
Users guide, observer list, downloads, pc control, firmware, odds and ends, equipment reviews alignment guides, tracking test, and links.
Photon Astronomy eZine
Magazine which aims to fill the gap left by the regular printed magazines.
Roger Steer's Astronomy Page
Telescope techniques and links.
Scott's LX200, ATM, and SCT Gadget Page
Fun stuff, projects, downloads, and links.
Telescope Buyer's Guide
Finding a way through the maze of ads, catalogs, claims and counter claims about which is best or the least expensive.
Telescope SA - The Cosmos Through your Eyes
Guides, how to's, and tips.
The Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope Web Site
Basics, observing, tips, photo basics, glossaries, and links.
The Telescope Review Web Site
Beginner's advice and articles, and telescope, eyepiece and accessory reviews.
Tips for the Department Store Telescope Owner
Equipment and accessories, and observing through images and books.