Constellation Lore
Information about constellations seen in the Fall.
Constellation Names
The names of 88 constellations in different languages.
Cosmobrain - The Constellations
Complete table with information.
Franz Niklaus König - Celestial Atlas
Contains images on constellations.
Guide to the Constellations of the Night Sky
Mythology, legend and facts.
Star Charts and Moon Stations
Information about charting the heavens in Japan with images and references.
Stars and Constellations
Photos, information, symbols, and maps.
The Constellations
The 88 constellations with mythological background, data on the stars, things to observe, and star chart.
The Deep Photographic Guide to the Constellations
Images with information.
The Mythology of the Constellations
Classical Greek and Roman myths.
The Stars and their Constellations
Information by alphabetical and monthly, FAQ, and supplementary information.