Absolute Beginner's Astronomy Forum Archives
Discussions and questions with answers.
AmAstroMB - Amateur Astronomy Message Board
Planetary and deep sky observing, equipment, general discussions, and announcements.
Amateur Astronomy Mailing List
Dedicated to the discussion of amateur astronomy, especially observing.
Astronomy Chat
Public rooms include youth in astronomy, virtual telescope, SolNet solar observers, ICSTARS, southern skies, eclipse chasers, and starmaster.
Astronomy Discussion Page
Collection of forums for the amateur including gear and observing, astrophotography and imaging, review, classified ads, beginner's corner, and The Black Hole.
Astronomy Images on the Web
Locating, identifying and alerting members to the most beautiful and interesting astronomical images on the Web.
Astronomy Magazine - Forums
General, observing, imaging, equipment, news, clubs, and education.
Astronomy Shootouts
Members to share their thoughts on various equipment comparisons and various brand names.
Bad Astronomy Bulletin Board
Against the mainstream, general, Martian chronicles, lunar conspiracies, bad TV and bad movies, the book, and Planet X.
Chatmag Chat Forum - Astronomy
Subject discussion related topic.
Cloudy Nights - Forums
Announcements and news, equipment, astrophotography, specific equipment, observing, specialty, manufacturers, and galleries.
ETXASTRO - Meade ETX Group
Discussion of telescope and accessories for owners and anyone considering using the ETX.
Heavens Above
Forum for all aspects of amateur Astronomy.
Provides information and photos pertaining to the Solar System.
Space Talk
Manned and unmanned missions, space exploration, astronomy, how to's, and astro physics and biology.
Space (sci.space) and astronomy (sci.astro) newsgroups with general (alt.astronomy), solar (alt.astronomy.solar), and UK astronomy (uk.sci.astronomy) news groups.
The Chicago Astronomer
Forum for amateurs in and out of Chicago with categories such as space exploration, events and observations, and strange and unusual astronomy.
The Guide to the Beyond Planet Earth Universe
Yahoo Chat for people interested in astronomy and space exploration.