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A Practical Guide to Astronomy
Electronic encyclopedia for both the beginner and the experienced.
About Astronomy
Dedicated for beginners desiring to learning astronomy such as telescopes, accessories, star charts, forum and clear sky clocks.
Amateur Astronomer's Notebook
Information on naked eye observations, first time telescope buyers, equipment and software reviews, and general information.
Amateur Astronomy
The role of the amateur astronomer, and possible contributions within different fields.
Amateur Telescope Primer
Guide to choosing, types, mounts, accessories, maintenance, binoculars, and useful resources.
Articles with Advice for Beginning Amateur Astrono
From advice, building, clothing, observation, and alignment.
Ask the Astronomer
Archived questions about astronomy and space science especially for the beginner.
Astro-Nuts - Astronomy Beginner's Help
Guide to telescope basics, observation tips, monthly selection picks, and links.
Astrocentral - Beginner's Guide to Astronomy
Information for beginners with an introduction to astronomy, starhopping, and first telescope.
Astronomy - An Introduction to Sky Watching
Booklet by Astronomical Society of South Australia that discusses activities, types of objects to observe, how to get started, and advanced activities.
Astronomy and Astrophotography for the Non-Gazilli
Designed for the amateur and beginner on a budget consisting of articles, gallery, and mission statement.
Astronomy and Telescopes
Guide to selecting and using a telescope and its mount, and viewing solar system and deep sky objects.
Astronomy by Frank
Beginners' guides for buying a telescope and astrophotography.
Astronomy for Beginners
Information on basics, equipment, what to see, astrophotography, and links.
Astronomy for Beginners
Articles related to introductions to telescopes, and observing solar system and deep sky objects.
Astronomy for Kids - Beginner's Corner
Support for all ages in buying a telescope and becoming a skilled observer by means of various tools.
Astronomy for the Absolute Beginner
Introduction of astronomy, telescopes, accessories, and other resources.
Astronomy Magazine - Intro to Astronomy
Provides information on astronomy for kids, observing, buying and using telescopes, accessories, and photography.
Astronomy Mayhem - Getting Started in Astronomy
Procedures to getting started by joining clubs, learning the sky, needed materials and equipment, and getting started in photography.
Astronomy Show and Tell
Presents thoughts on astronomy and details of some astronomy projects.
Astronomy Today - Telescope Buyers' FAQ
Guide for buying and using amateur telescopes, accessories, vendors, and various resources.
Basic Astronomy
Introduction to objects within earth's planetary system and deep sky objects, and a glossary.
Beginner's Astronomy
Consists of a telescope buyers guide, basic knowledge information of solar system and deep sky objects, and astronomy quiz.
Beginners - Generic Star Charts
Charts for the different months in the northern hemisphere.
Beginning Urban Sky Watching
Guide to getting started, selecting optics, resources, navigating the sky, and planetary and deep sky objects.
Buying your First Telescope in Australia
Guide for beginners in choosing and buying a telescope and accessories, or binoculars.
Buying your FirstTelescope
Suggestions before purchasing a telescope.
For the Beginner
Tips for getting started in astronomy.
Frequently Asked Questions in Astronomy
Newsgroup devoted to the discussion of all aspects of astronomy.
General Information about Telescopes and Observing
Getting ready, choosing, meaning of f/8, eye versus photos, observing techniques, and affecting factors.
Getting Started in Astronomy
Guide for choosing a first telescope, and including types of telescopes, accessories, terms, and dictionary.
My First Telescope
Completely dedicated to the beginner with tips for selecting and buying a first telescope.
Northern Virginia Astronomy Club - Resources
Guides for getting started in astronomy.
Tips for buying a telescope, astronomical images, and links.
Observational Astronomy
Offers information on learning about astronomical objects and then viewing the objects through use of the eye or with various optics.
Peoria Astronomical Society - Primer for the Begin
Articles for learning about the sky, movement of the constellations, objects of the solar system, starhopping, planning sessions, and Messier Marathon participation.
Sky & Telescope - First Steps in Astronomy
Article discussing ways to getting started and learning astronomy.
A calendar of events of upcoming aurora, meteor showers, eclipses, planets, and more.
Small Telescope Astronomy for Beginners
Information for the inexperienced backyard astronomers of small optics.
Star Gazer
Dedicated to the stars and galaxies with resources and links.
Discussion of two types of beginner telescopes, the reflector and the refractor.
Advice on buying a telescope, beginner's advice, eyepieces, and care and setup of telescope and accessories.
Telescopes for the Beginner
Offers advice for selecting and buying first telescope.
The Astrogirl Homepage
Information on the sky, clubs, reading, astronomy basics, tips, software, astrophotography, and links.
The Astronomy Nexus
Information created or compiled that can be viewed in one place, and includes general information, 3D universe, encyclopedia of suns, gadget FAQ, virtual Messier, s.a.a. FAQ, and urban Herschel 400.
The Beginner
Learning the basics of astronomy, observing, and equipment.
The DDAS Astronomical Dictionary
Glossary of astronomical terms aimed at all levels of learning.
The Heretic's Guide to Buying a Telescope
Information first-time telescope buyers with a detailed FAQ and suggested telescopes, vendors, books, videos, and software.
Tom Campbell's Amateur Astronomy
Consists of several sections from learning to observing, projects, limericks, and a today in astronomy history.
Where Amateur Astronomy Resides
Article promoting astronomy.