A Blue Crown Amazon Production, A Shot in the Dark, Adventures in Astrophotography, AIDA - Astronomical Image Data Archive, Al Kelly's CCD Astrophotography Page, Al Legary's CCD Cookbook Imaging, Alienater's-Astro, Amateur Astrophotography, Amateur CCD Astronomy,
Amateur Adaptive Optics
Astronomical images and tips on astronomical photography and CCD imaging by the authors of a book on astronomical photography.
Amateur Astronomy and CCD Imaging from London
This is a webpage dedicated to amateur astronomy and CCD imaging. Most of the images where taken from London using a Meade LX200-GPS telescope and a Starlight-Xpress CCD camera.
Amateur CCD and Film Astrophotography
Equipment and filter information, gallery, articles, and links.
Ash's Astronomy Pages
Instruments and equipment information, homemade focusing aid, gallery and journal, processing software, and links.
Astro Imaging Hints Page
Articles for beginners, shooting comets, polar alignment, CCD pixel size and masking, and stacking.
Astro-Photography Mailing List Archives
Email list discusses equipment, tools, techniques, and science. Includes instructions for subscribing.
Astronomy and Astromicroscopy
An unconventional method of observing the universe by means of a microscope and color slides.
Astrophotography by Jerry Lodriguss
Deep-sky astronomical photographs, tips and techniques for astrophotography, and digital enhancement in Photoshop.
Astrophotography For Amateurs
An instructional guide for beginning astrophotographers by Olivier Thizy.
Astrophotography For The Amateur
Provides table of contents, ordering information, and preview of chapter one by Michael Covington.
Astrophotography Primer
Basic concepts, including tracking methods and equipment details.
Collected Data and Links on Low Light CCD Cameras
Video equipment, applications in the hobby, modifications, sources and supplies, and software.
Digital Camera Telescope Adapters
Identifies accessories available commercially.
Doc G's Astrophotography Info
A venerable site filled with practical advice on film-based astrophotography equipment and techniques.
Eagle Observatory
Offers overview of the equipment, as well as images of galaxies, nebulae, and star clusters.
Frank Astronomy
Gallery of astrophotography attempts, trails and tribulations of a beginning astrophotographer, astronomy links, and suggestions and tips for buying that first telescope.
Frank's Astro-Imaging
Contains information on imaging techniques, galleries, equipment, and links.
Getting Started in Astrophotography
Hints and tips on taking photographs of the night sky using a camera and tripod.
Glenn Ray's Astrophotography
Gallery of images, equipments used, and articles.
Lombry's Luxorion
A bilingual French/English educational website devoted to astronomy, amateur radio and connexed fields.
Free web-based forum for image posting and discussion of amateur astronomical imaging.
New Astronomy Press
Home web site for Ron Wodaski, author of "The New CCD Astronomy," a book on all aspects of CCD imaging and image processing.
Pleiades Astrophoto
Astronomical images, and techniques and tools for astrophotography and digital image processing.
Rick Thurmond's Astronomical Adventures
Analogue astrophotographs of nebulae and galaxies as well as terrestrial images and information about the C14 telescope with full descriptions of the techniques and equipment including darkroom techniques.
Rob's Astronomy Site
Contains images, Mel bartel's scope drive, night time weather statistics, gas hypering, deep-sky images, and freeware.
Roger's Website of Southern Amateur Astronomy
Offers news, equipment details, tutorials, and galleries of astrophotographs of the moon, star trails, planets, constellations and the milky way.
Ron Wodaski's Astronomy Stuff
Information about CCD imaging including tutorials, equipment reviews, and solar, lunar, planetary, galactic and other images.
Scope Addiction
CCD images of galaxies and other objects as well as information about telescopes and creating CCD images.
Stellar Products
Tutorials on high-resolution astrophotography and CCD imaging; images of Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, and other astronomical targets.
Video Astronomy by Craig Zerbe
Video CCD astro imaging and astrophotography taken by Craig Zerbe using an Astrovid 2000.
Video Capture Astrophotography
Solar, lunar and planetary video astrophotography images along with an extensive links page and some how-to instructions on video astronomy.
E-mail discussion group with gallery of solar, lunar, planetary and deep sky images, links, and articles on video astrophotography.
Wide Field Astrophotography
Discusses technique that uses camera lenses and simple tracking equipment.