Amateur Contributions to Science
Amateur Observers Page: Deep Impact, Center for Backyard Astrophysics, Coddenham Astronomical Observatory, Extrasolar Planet Search Project, Poor Meadow Dyke Observatory - Sky Survey, The Amateur Sky Survey - TASS, The Puckett Observatory
Amateur Telescope Making
Dobsonian Telescopes, Software, 100% Do It Yourself, A Photovisual Maksutov Cassegrain Telescope, Amateur Telescope Maker's (ATM) Archives, An Amateur Telescope Maker's Projects, Astro Designs, Astronomy and Telescope Making, ATM - Amateur Telescope Making, ATM Letters, Bill's 14.5 inch Telescope Making Project, Computer Operated Telescopes
Astrophotography and CCD Imaging
Images, Amateur Adaptive Optics, Amateur Astronomy and CCD Imaging from London, Amateur CCD and Film Astrophotography, Ash's Astronomy Pages, Astro Imaging Hints Page, Astro-Photography Mailing List Archives, Astronomy and Astromicroscopy, Astrophotography by Jerry Lodriguss, Astrophotography For Amateurs, Astrophotography For The Amateur
A Practical Guide to Astronomy, About Astronomy, Amateur Astronomer's Notebook, Amateur Astronomy, Amateur Telescope Primer, Articles with Advice for Beginning Amateur Astrono, Ask the Astronomer, Astro-Nuts - Astronomy Beginner's Help, Astrocentral - Beginner's Guide to Astronomy, Astronomy - An Introduction to Sky Watching
Binocular Astronomy
Astronomy Binocular Support, Astronomy In Your Hands, Binocular Basics, BinoSky, Choosing Binoculars, Front Surface Mirror, Handbook of Binocular Astronomy, Using Binoculars to View the Night Sky
Chats and Forums
Absolute Beginner's Astronomy Forum Archives, AmAstroMB - Amateur Astronomy Message Board, Amateur Astronomy Mailing List, Astronomy Chat, Astronomy Discussion Page, Astronomy Forum, Astronomy Images on the Web, Astronomy Magazine - Forums, Astronomy Shootouts, AstroPost
Astrofieds, AstroMart, Astronomy Classified Ads, Astronomy Classifieds, Astronomy Mall, Canada Wide Astronomy Buy and Sell, Chicagoland Astro Ads, Internet Telescope Exchange Classifieds, ScopeTrader
Constellation Lore, Constellation Names, Cosmobrain - The Constellations, Franz Niklaus König - Celestial Atlas, Guide to the Constellations of the Night Sky, Star Charts and Moon Stations, Stars and Constellations, The Constellations, The Deep Photographic Guide to the Constellations, The Mythology of the Constellations
Deep Sky Observing
A CCD Tour of the Universe, Amazing Astronomy Photos and Images, Arp's Catalog Of Peculiar Galaxies, Astronomy Made Easy, Bangkok Deep-Sky Objects Observing, Challenging Observing Projects for Amateur Astrono, Deep Sky Astronomy, Deep Sky Collections and Catalogs, Deep-Sky Objects through Telescopes, Deep-Sky Org
Product Reviews
Affordable Astronomy Equipment Reviews, Astronomy Equipment Reviews, Cloudy Nights Telescope Reviews, Maksutov Telescope Reviews, Some Available Light Pollution and Narrow Band Fil, Telescopes, Test Reports, The Telescope Review Web Site, Todd Gross' Weather and Astronomy Site
Radio Astronomy
Amateur SETI, Amateur SETI - Project BAMBI, Basics of Radio Astronomy, Big Ear Radio Observatory, EME, SETI, Radio Astronomy, DSP, and Radio Amateur, John Mckay's Astronomy Website, JupiterRadio, Multi-SETI@Home Monitor, National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute
Tracking Software, AstroSpider, Iridium Flares, ISS Naked Eye Visibility Data from Selected Citie, Jonathan's Space Report, Mike McCants Satellite Tracking Web Pages, ON6MU Space and Satellite, Orbitessera, SoCal Sky Lights, The Falcon's Nest, Space Page, The Falcon's Nest,Space Page Radio and Satell
Sky Calendars
AstroEvents, Astronomical Sky Calendar, Backyard Stargazing 101, CosmicDust, Moonstick Information Site, Observing, Que Tal, Sky Calendars, Sky Diary and Monthly Observing Notes, Sky Events
Sky Maps and Atlases
3-D Starmaps, MyStarsLive, Out of This World - The Golden Age of the Celestia, Sky Maps, SkyMaps, Solar System Live, Solar System Simulator, SolStation, Star Maps, The Constellations and their Stars
Solar System Observing
Asteroids, Comets, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Moon, Sun, Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers, The Nine Planets - A Multimedia Tour of the Solar
An Amateur Spectroscopy Site, Forum for Amateur AstroSpectroscopy, Oak Mountain Observatory, Rainbow Optics - Star Spectroscopes, SpectraShift, Worcester Park Observatory UK
Star Parties
AstroCamp, AstroDay, Astronomy Camp, Eagles Park Star Party, Enchanted Skies Star Party, Event Calendar, Grand Canyon Star Party, Kelling Heath Norfolk Star Party, Mid Atlantic Star Party 2005, Mid-South Star Gaze
Telescope Owner Resources
Chats and Forums, ATS - Techniques and Tips, Choosing your Telescope's Magnification, Collimating Newtonian Optics, Collimation of Newtonian Telescope without Specia, DarkSkyFalcon Astronomy, FAQ About Collimating a Newtonian Telescope, How to Modify Your Celstar C8 Wedgepod for Easier , How to Polar Align, How-to Articles, LXD55
671 Million Miles Per Hour
Animations, forum, moons, constellations, facts, solar system, missions, planets, telescopes, gallery, sky diary, news, and links.
Alpha Centauri's Universe
Collection of images, text, video, publications, and software.
Amateur Astronomers Anonymous
Contains observation reports, photos, and allows submissions of reports, photos, websites, and tips.
Amateur Astronomy and Space Website
Images, ccd information, buy and sell, and links.
Amateur Astronomy Awards Program
A program that presents awards to deserving personal websites with the possibility of a rewarding Gold, Silver, or Bronze Award for Excellence.
Ask an Astronomer
Questions answered by graduate students, including a question and answer archive, information on the solar system, the universe, SETI, observational astronomy, careers and history.
Solar system and deep sky galleries, publications, equipment, tips and tricks, and links.
Astronomy and CCD Astro Imaging
Images, observing tips and techniques, techniques, equipment information, projects, skymap, and links.
Astronomy Awards
Aimed at supporting the hobby related web sites throughout world.
Astronomy Boy
Getting started, CG-5 mount, SAA 100 list, constellation portraits, barn door tracker, comet Hale Bopp, homemade eyepieces, EQ mount tutorial, millennium rant, and biography, home.
Backyard Astronomer
Contains sections for equipment, the beginner, books, the solar system and deep sky, web log, and links.
Bad Astronomy
Most people are very curious about the night sky, but unfortunately a lot of misinformation is spread, just plain silly, but many times it makes just enough sense that people believe it.
Carolina Sky
A pictorial history of the US space race, telescope information, outer banks, awards and recognition, and links.
Cherry Springs State Park - Stargazer's Parad
Information, schedule, rules, resources, Black Forest Star Party, photographs, articles, and links.
Cosmic Voyage
Getting started, deep sky and planetary observing, astrophotography, sketching, glossary, and links.
Cradle-Ribeiro Observatory
Observatory and equipment information, shows, images, and links.
Daniels Astronomical Page
News, images, and links.
Digital Astronomy Gallery
Images, star enhancement processing, equipment information, and what's new.
Elsbury Observatory
Astrovideo, CCD and film imaging of various objects.
Customized a specific location, events in the sky, photography, information, programs, and links.
How To Learn Astronomy
Information on how to get started as a hobby.
HyperCell One Astro Index
Glossary, laws, people, black holes, forum, and links.
It's Full of Stars
Equipment information, gallery, articles, and links, with information for the East Sussex Astronomical Society.
My Space - Amateur Astronomy
Sky maps and notes, constellation guide, buying a telescope, space gallery, UK astronomy clubs, and planetaria.
Night Sky Observer
Skynotes, weather, articles, equipment, software, images, shop, ezine, and links.
Online - Astroboy
Contains an article, news, biography, views, and links.
Paul's Astro Pages
Images and information on solar system, deep sky and equipment, gallery, diary, and links.
Paul's Astro-Links
Links for the amateur, clubs, equipment, observatories, planetariums, organizations, publications, and news.
Refreshing Views
Night sky, almanac, articles, gallery, equipment information, and a homebuilt motorized focuser.
See View Observatory
The organization, images, general interest and knowledge, news, and links.
Shoestring Astronomy
Astrophotography, techniques, projects, equipment, and links.
Virtual observatory on the net generating images of any part of the sky at wavelengths in all regimes from radio to gamma-ray.
So You Wanna Buy a Telescope
Discusses telescopes, types, buying, and accessories.
Offers space, astronomy and technology content, including information, education, entertainment and business news.
Equipment, astrophotography, terms, forum, photo archives, chat, and links.
Guide to the galaxy, and designed as a reference point for all levels.
Summer Stargazing - Night Sky in the Northern Hemi
An article written by Philip Harrington.
Sundial, calendar and Khmer temples
Experimental astronomy applied on research of solar orientation of the temples in SE-Asia.
The Astro Pages
Astrophotos, articles, discussion boards, telescope making, observer's logs, and calendar.
The AstroGirl Homepage
The sky tonight, astro 101, observing tips, software, astrophotography, and book store.
The Astronomy Cafe
Books written, other web sites, and favorite topics.
The Astroscopic Labs
Includes galleries, equipment reviews, articles, observation planning, and links.
The Backyard Astronomer's Guide
Revised Second Edition with contents of the book, explore the website by chapter, links, and profiles of authors Dickinson and Dyer.
The Beer Chair
Observing chair, Astronomy dictionary and unique astronomy items.
The Edge of Nowhere
Images, events, news, information, games, awards, and links.
The Night Site
The sky this month, gallery, questions, for beginners, glossary, and links.
The Silicon Sky
Project links, weather, comet observing, interest links, minor planets, and resources.