english deutsch
Division C-5 (Turfgrass) of the Crop Science Socie, Illinois Turfgrass Foundation, International Turfgrass Research Conference, International Turfgrass Society
Chats and Forums
Lawn Care Forum, Texas Turfgrass Association, Turfgrass Forums
Colleges and Schools
Delaware Valley College, Oregon State University - Horticulture Department, Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Certificate Program, State University of New York (SUNY), University of Florida - Gainesville Campus, University of Florida Fort Lauderdale Campus, University of Massachusetts - Department of Plant , University of Minnesota at Crookston (UMC) Golf F
Golf Course and Sports Turf
Construction and Care of Croquet Lawns, Golf Course Superintendents Association of America, Golf Putting Green Construction Manual for Backyar, The Sports Turf Research Institute, The United States Golf Association's Green Se, TurfGrass Trends
British Lawnmower Museum, Law and Lawn, The Grass is Always Greener on the other Side of t, The Lawn at the University of Virginia, Tribute to Grass, the Forgiveness of Nature
Laboratories and Consultants
ABC Sports Turf, Dirt~n~Turf, Inc. Consulting, Golf Engineering Associates, Golf Irrigation Design, James Connolly Consulting, K.B. White Company Inc., ProCare Turf Lab, Sports Turf Research Institute STRI, Turf Diagnostics and Design
Pests and Diseases
Corn gluten meal and corn gluten hydrolysate for w, Information of Nematodes that Affect Turf and lawn, Insect Parasitic Nematodes, IPM Alabama - Commercial Turf, Major Diseases of Turf Grasses in Western Canada, Making Peace with Geese, Mole Cricket Knowledgebase and Tutorials, Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA), University of California Pest Management Guideline, Weed Science
Soil and Water
Putting Green Rootzone Soil Mixtures
Species and Cultivars
Turfgrass Species Tour
Aggie Horticulture
Texas A and M University combined horticulture information resources including teaching, extension, and research. Search the site with the PLANTanswer Machine.
AgNIC Turfgrass
Links to turfgrass management, home lawn care, cultivars, diseases, pests, and weeds.
Clemson University Turfgrass Program
Turfgrass research site for turf professionals and homeowners. Information on and links to, all aspects of turfgrass management and production.
Florida Turf
Warm-season turfgrass knowledge base, including bermudagrass for golf courses, St. Augustine grass for home lawns, zoysia, and bahia.
Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center, Uni
Water quality and turf nutrition, improved cultivars of turfgrass, and pest management (weeds, insects, diseases, nematodes) have been the main emphases since this urban Center opened in 1961. Located in the Town of Davie.
Hydromulching and Hydroseeding Definition
Description of hydromulching and hydroseeding as a turf establishment process.
Interactive Turf
Weather data and pest management forecasts for turf managers involved in the highest value production systems, golf turf and sod farm operations in Illinois and northern Indiana. Sponsored by the Chicago District Golf Association.
Midwestern Turfgrass Weed Identification and Contr
Uses photographs to help identify weeds of turfgrass in Midwestern USA. From the University of Illinois Turfgrass Program.
National Turfgrass Evaluation Program
NTEP national test results of cultivars (varieties) of Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue, perennial ryegrass, creeping bentgrass, bermudagrass, buffalograss, St. Augustinegrass, and zoysiagrass.
Ohio State University PlantFacts
Exhaustive search engine covering academic web sites on horticulture and gardening, including turfgrasses, perennial and annual herbaceous plants, and woody plants. Plant problems can be solved by amateurs and professionals.
Ohioline, Yard and Garden
Ohio State University Yard and Garden Fact Sheets. Lawns, weed control, insects, landscape and turf image library.
Oregon State University - Turf Culture Information
Contains information on basic turf culture for homelawns, golf courses, and sports fields.
Purdue Turfgrass Program
University courses, Turf Tips, publications, and other information on biological control, managing lawns, and turf events.
Purdue University: Ask Our Experts
Plant and Pest Diagnostic Laboratory, West Lafayette, Indiana. Canada geese, moles, fairy rings, crab grass, creeping Charlie, in zoysiagrass, overseeded grass.
Turf Program at the University of Massachusetts
Education and workshops, management tips, turf publications, diagnostic services, and links to other useful turfgrass sites.
North Carolina State University fact sheets on turf variety selection, diseases, insects, weeds, soils, and water. Covers lawns, golf courses, and athletic fields.
Turfgrass Links
Insects, weeds, diseases, environmental issues, jobs, pesticides. Frames pages from other sites maintained by Guelph Turfgrass Institute, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
University of Florida - Fort Lauderdale Campus
Turfgrass, urban entomology, aquatic plant management and environmental horticulture. Urban center addresses special problems of soil, water, pest management, and new varieties. Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center, IFAS (Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences).
University of Georgia
Content limited to turfgrass weed management and identification. Links to herbicide manufacturers and to other university turf sites.
University of Illinois Turfgrass Program
Research, teaching, and extension on turfgrass management at UIUC (U of I Urbana Champaign) including turf research reports, courses taught, and faculty summaries. Also hosts the Illinois Turfgrass Foundation.