Agricultural History Society
Organization and conference information.
A Science Center dealing with topics such as food, nutrition, agriculture, with a historical approach on a worldwide scale. Website has virtual exhibitions on the history of food and agriculture, farmers of the world, and the "Banquet de l'Humanité" (the dining table of the world).
ARS Timeline: 138 Years of Ag Research
A brief history of agricultural research from 1862 to the present, organized by decade. Highlights of research carried out in the U.S. Department of Agriculture are featured.
British Agricultural History Society
Promotes the study of agricultural history and the history of the rural economy and society. Organization information, upcoming conferences, and links to related websites.
Chronology of Horticulture
Chronology of the development of horticulture in Europe and North America, with a set of articles on associated topics.
Ferguson Society
An history of the development of the Ferguson tractor.
Historical Series - Agriculture Canada
Collection of monographs on the history of Canadian agriculture, agribusiness and agricultural research, the research establishments, experimental stations, their activities and specialities, originally published between 1967 and 1987. Covers development of research in many agricultural fields.
History of Farming
Illustrated overview of the origins and development of agriculture, with bibiliography, notes from early cultures, and pictures of early farm implements and tractors.
History of Farming and Cities
Links to pages which give research on the development of farming and cities by culture.
History of Horticulture
Course outline that was distributed to students in Ohio State University Professor Freeman S. Howlett's course titled "The History and Literature of Horticulture: From Earliest Times to the Present," taught in 1968.
Seeds of Trade
Introduction to the history of cultivation and spread of some common crops.
The Potato Then and Now: History
The history of potato cultivation and its role in society, including the Irish potato famine. Particular focus on Prince Edward Island, Canada.