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Cassava Agroforestry Systems, Cassava and Starch Technology Information, CGIAR: Cassava (Manihot esculenta)
Associations, Pests and Diseases, British Potato Council, Effect of Sucrose Concentration on Micropropagatio, Global Potato News, International Potato Center (CIP), Mountain Valley Produce And Potato Seed, National Potato Council, Peelings, Potato Grower Magazine Online, Potato Research Online, Quantum Tubers Corporation, Delavan, Wisconsin
Sugar Beet
Sugar Beet Nematode, Sugar Beet Research and Education Board of Minneso, The California Sugarbeet, Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences - Institute
ANR-982 Guide To Commercial Sweetpotato Production, Commercial Sweetpotato Production in Mississippi, Crop Profiles - Sweetpotato, Definition and Classification of Commodities: Root, Effects of Intercropping Sweet Potato on the Popul, Ipomoea batatas, North Carolina Sweetpotato Commission, Sweetpotato, Sweetpotato Main Page, Sweetpotato Production Guides for Hawaii
Na Pua No'eau: Taro, Taro Production Guidelines for Kauai, Terminal Market Prices : Taro, The Taro Page: Recipes
International Potato Center (CIP)
Information about the center and its roles in promoting potatoes, sweet potatoes and other Andean root crops, and in protecting Andean biodiversity.
Manrique International Agrotech (MIAT)
Consulting company specialized in tropical agriculture. Publishes books on potato, cassava, sweet potato, taro and other tropical crops. Web site has glossary of agronomic terms and fact sheets on potato, cassava, sweet potato, and taro.
Potato and onion storage
Agricultural refrigeration and ventilation equipment for potato and onion storage. Personally designed using skid units, Cropscan temperature controls, motorised louvres, mixer boxes, and fans.