english deutsch
Cooperative Extension
Alabama Cooperative Extension System, Clemson Cooperative Extension Service, Colorado State University Cooperative Extension, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Iowa State University Extension to Agriculture and, Kansas State University Research and Extension, LSU AgCenter: Louisiana Cooperative Extension Serv, Maryland Cooperative Extension, Montana State University Extension Service, MSUcares: Mississippi State University Extension S
Academic Departments
Searches research and teaching information for horticulture and crop science departments across the United States.
Accademia dei Georgofili
Details of activities, library, links, press releases. Based in Firenze.
Agricultural Engineers Forum at Eng-Tips
Technical support forums and mutual help system for engineering professionals. Forums for agriculture, horticulture, and forestry.
Agricultural University of Athens
Course and research information, events calendar, contact information and link to MACQU, greenhouse manufacturers.
Aquaponics and Tilapia Aquaculture
Information about a seven-day course providing knowledge of the principles and practical application of aquaponic and greenwater tank culture systems.
Center for Agriculture and Natural Resources
Information about the programs offered in Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Minnesota's Crookston Campus.
Electronic Digital Information Source (EDIS)
University of Florida's official reference resource for more than 4,000 print and electronic publications approved by the University and the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS).
Ezra Taft Benson Agriculture and Food Institute
Improving nutrition and agricultural practices of rural populations in the developing world by teaching improved farming techniques, and better use of locally available resources.
Forage Information Systems
Provides information on research and educational programs at Michigan State University.
Garden With Insight
Garden by simulation of weather, soil, and plant growth models, creating a simple e-garden.
Gulf Coast Research and Education Center
A branch of the University of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, giving information on the research undertaken.
Illinois Agriculture Education
Links to agricultural organisations, educational programmes and career information.
Institute of Land and Food Resources
The Institute is a Faculty of the University of Melbourne specialising in agriculture, horticulture, forestry, food and dairy technology and manufacturing.
International Agricultural Centre
IAC offers training and consultancy services in agriculture, food and nutrition, rural development and the environment. Wageningen, Netherlands.
International Centre for Agricultural Education (C
An international study centre for agricultural education. Details of seminars for teaching in agricultural universities, colleges and vocational schools. Berne.
Library of Crop Technology Lesson Modules
A collection of online lessons teaching a number of agricultural management, breeding, and technical topics.
Fun and educational site about cows and milk with facts, games, recipes, contests and merchandise.
Murray State University School of Agriculture
Academic programs, courses, student clubs, rodeo team, equestrian teams, faculty & staff. Includes online courses list.
National Academy of Agricultural Research Manageme
Describes facilities, activities and projects, faculty and training programmes. Hyderabad, India.
National Ag Risk Education Library
Designed to assist agricultural professionals to quickly access information and resources pertaining to pertinent risk management topics.
New Agricultural Teacher Program from Texas Tech U
Resource guide for new agricultural teachers in the state of Texas (and in general throughout the United States).
Northern PlainFacts
A bimonthly fact sheet on biological weed and pest control, and soil and water management research programs, at the USDA-ARS Northern Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory in Sidney, MT.
Pennsylvania Farm Bureau - Glossary of Agricultura
Explains the specialized words that are used within the field of agriculture and related industries.
Plant Cultures
Information from Kew Garden on the uses, history and culture of plants in South Asia, and their effect on people everywhere.
Purdue University School of Agriculture
West Lafayette, Indiana.
Purdue University's Agronomy Department
Information about undergraduate, post graduate courses, areas of research and job vacancies.
The National Farm-City Council
Encourages links between farm families and urban residents by providing organizations with educational programs and materials about the people who grow their food. News, calendar of events, tools for the classroom, and tips for planning an event.
University of Hawaii College of Tropical Agricultu
Manoa, Hawaii.
University of Minnesota: Institute for Ag Professi
Field School for professionals in agriculture. Includes two days of hands-on learning in crop pest control and management of the state's major crops. Includes research updates and managerial training. Located in Lamberton, Minnesota.
University of Nebraska
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources News releases and publications. Lincoln, NE.
West Central Research and Extension Center
Information on the research centre, the staff and their research interests and links to the county extensions.