2nd World Pepper Convention
Topic is to discuss finding good hybrid plants that will grow in the Zacatecas region of Mexico. Page includes registration information, demonstration trials, and commercial exhibitions. Takes place from August 14-16, 2005 in Zacatecas, Mexico.
6th IFSA European Symposium on Farming and Rural S
Details of the symposium of the International Farming Systems Association. Held at Vila Real, Portugal; 3-8 April 2004.
9th International Barley Genetics Symposium
Program, registration and venue details for this event due in June 2004, in Brno.
Advanced Analysis - Exploring Biological Systems i
New approaches to problems connected with food sciences andthe creation of interdisciplinary collaborations. Olsztyn, Poland; 3--7 September 2003.
AFoT 2003
Second international workshop on information technologies and computing techniques for the agro-food sector. Barcelona, Spain; 27--28 November 2003
Aims are regional cooperation across Southeast Asia on sustainable aquaculture. Beijing, April 2002.
Ecofruvit - Organic Viticulture and Horticulture
Information on the conference on cultivation technique and phytopathological problems in organic fruit-growing and viticulture. Weinsberg, Germany, 4th -7th February, 2002.
FoodSim 2002
On the application of modelling and simulation to food production. Blarney, Ireland, June 2002.
Postharvest 2004
5th International Postharvest Symposium, organized by the Postharvest Working Group of the Italian Horticultural Society. Verona, Italy; 6--11 June 2004.
The Quality of Fresh and Processed Citrus Fruits
Gives program, travel and accommodation details, and online registration. October 10-11, 2002 in Montpelier, France. Also in French.
The World Food Summit: five years later Website
Documents, links, media contacts, press releases and news articles related to the summit held in June 2002.
Vision 2020 Sustainable Food Conference
International Food Policy Research Institute meeting on agriculture, economic, health (AIDS), and Social Policies. September 2001.
Viticulture: Fourth International Powdery & Do
This meeting is organized every three years for an opportunity to communicate research information related to the biology and epidemiology of powdery and downy mildew in grapevine as well as exchanging experience on disease management. Announcements, call for papers, and information about the venue and the conference. Napa Valley, California September 30 through October 04, 2002.