Past Events
2nd World Pepper Convention, 6th IFSA European Symposium on Farming and Rural S, 9th International Barley Genetics Symposium, Advanced Analysis - Exploring Biological Systems i, AFoT 2003, Aquachallenge, Ecofruvit - Organic Viticulture and Horticulture, Food Production and the Quality of Life, FoodSim 2002, Postharvest 2004
13th European Weed Research Society Symposium
Includes registration and accommodation details. Bari, Italy, June 2005.
20th International Grassland Congress
Details including programmes and tours. To be held in Dublin, Ireland, 26th June ? 1st July, 2005.
8th International Mango Symposium
To be held in Johannesburg, South Africa 5-10 February 2006. Announcement as a PDF file.
8th International Sago Conference 2005
To be held in Jayapura, Indonesia from August 4-6.
Agricultural Conferences, Meetings, Seminars Calen
Web directory of major national/international agriculture-related events of scientific significance. Has component sections on Animal Sciences, Food and Nutrition, Forestry, Natural Resources, Plant Sciences, and Soil Sciences. Also links to 325+ calendars maintained by others, organized by subject categories.
Current Wageningen Congresses
With a focus on The Netherlands, lists agriculture-related meetings along with links for detailed information
European Forest Institute - Events
Provides information about forthcoming EFI conferences, workshops, and summer schools. Details of past events are also provided.
IPMnet Calendar
A global listing of forthcoming integrated pest management (IPM) related events. Frequently updated, it includes a separate section that gives recently added listings. Contact E-mail links and links to conference Web pages are provided.
The 2006 European Pesticide Residue Workshop
Details of an event due to be held on 21-25 May 2006 in Corfu, Greece.