C.I.A.R.U.- Rock Art Research Center, Colonia del Sacramento, History of Uruguay, Themes of the World, Uruguay in the World Wide Web Virtual Library, Uruguay: A Country Study
"El Lucero" Children's Home - Salto
Photos of the children and the home, characteristics of the home.
Fundación Punta del Este
A non profit organization, primarily concerned with the study of all environmental factors related to tourism, in their physical and cultural forms, and, secondarily, with the implementation of programs and policies resulting from any such studies, in agreement with public or private contractors.
Postales Virtuales Uruguayas
Electronics postcards from Montevideo.
Society of Medical and Social Ecology
Uruguay environmental health organization.
Taavi's Gaucho Summer
Taavi Siitam's amateur photography of Uruguay gaucho life. Photos depict everyday estanica life, including landscape, people, drinking mate, horses and livestock, and branding.