Brazil Regional Labour Links
A list of branch, chapter, local and regional trade unions, with links to their web-sites.
Offers support to community radio, Non-Governmental organizations, small business and political marketing services.
Instituto de Tecnolgia de Alimentos. (Food Technology Institute, English version available.)
Landless Workers' Movement of Brazil
The official English-language website of Brazil's Landless Rural Workers' Movement (MST).
Projeto Piracema
Non-profit organization promoteing studies and investigations about children who are victims of domestic violence, maltreatment, sexual abuse, incest and the poverty and globalization in Brazil.
Sim à Vida
A support group organizes meetings and social events to discuss the issues surrounding common challenges relating to living with HIV.
Sociedade Bíblica do Brasil
Includes browsing options in Portuguese, Spanish, and English Language.
Soroptimist International Brasil
A worldwide organization for women in management and professions working through service projects to advance human rights and the status of women. Region site represents 38 clubs. Photo gallery of governors, list of clubs and guest book.
Task Brasil
Charity established in response to the situation of the street children of Brazil. Its projects improve the lives and support children and pregnant girls living on the streets.
USDA Brazil
U.S. Department of Agriculture located in this country. Their primary objective is to improve the markets of both nations, focusing in the exchange of food and agricultural products. It provides a list of export credit programs, trade shows and market reports.
Vitae Foundation
A civil non-profit association which supports projects in the areas of education, culture and social development, with the objective of contributing to the improvement in the quality of life of the community.