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Adam Art Gallery
Find details of current and upcoming exhibitions, view some of the art held in the Victoria University of Wellington art collection as well as information on educational school tours of the gallery.
Bartley Nees Gallery
Contemporary art gallery showing works from new and established artists. The gallery also exhibits contemporary Maori and Pacific art.
Idoim Studio
Art Gallery exibiting contemporary New Zealand art. Information on exibitors and up coming exibitions available.
Pablos Art Studio
An art studio and gallery offering opportunities to people who use mental health services. Find information on current and up coming exhibitions and artist profiles.
Photospace Studio / Gallery
Wellington gallery specializing in photographic art. Profiles and photographs from featured artists available. Photospace also provide photographic services to the public.
Tinakori Gallery
Displaying works of contemporary and fine art in two adjoining galleries. Also regularly exhibits historic fine art. Details of exhibitions available on site.
Wellington City Gallery
Inner city arts hot-spot that presents a challenging programme that features contemporary visual arts including painting, photography, sculpture, the moving image, industrial and graphic design, and architecture by New Zealand and international artists.