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Allen Wilson Centre for Molecular Ecology and Evol
Massey University, New Zealand. Information about the research carried out by the groups.
College of Sciences
The College comprises eight research-focused Institutes promoting inter-disciplinary teaching and research, addressing real-life problems facing society world-wide. The eight Institutes include Food, Nutrition and Human Health; Fundamental Sciences; Technology and Engineering; Information and Mathematical Sciences (Albany Campus); Information Sciences and Technology; Molecular Biosciences; Natural Resources; and Veterinary Animal and Biomedical Sciences.
Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health
Offers expertise related to lifestyle sciences in: Agribusiness, Animal Nutrition, Food Engineering, Food Science, Food Technology, Human Health, Human Nutrition, Physiology & Biochemistry, Postharvest Horticulture, Sports Nutrition.
Institute of Fundamental Sciences
The Institute encompasses the three major disciplines of Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics.
Institute of Information and Mathematical Sciences
Our mission is to provide quality teaching, research and community services activities in the Information, Mathematical and related Engineering Sciences
Institute of Information Sciences and Technology
A group of academics and support staff who teach and research in the field of Information Sciences & Technology.
Institute of Molecular BioSciences
The formation of the Institute of Molecular BioSciences brought together in one community at Massey University a team of cell-, developmental- molecular-, and structural biologists, biochemists, microbiologists, and plant physiologists and experts in molecular evolution and bioinformatics.
Institute of Technology & Engineering
Information on the Institute.
Institute of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sci
IVABS is a world leader in the advancement and dissemination of knowledge regarding animal health, animal welfare, conservation and sustainable pastoral productivity.