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College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Information on the courses offered by the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
School of English and Media Studies
Formed January 1, 1998, from what were previously the Department of English and the Media Studies program.
School of History, Philosophy and Politics
The school was formed in 1998 through a merger of the separate Department of History, the Department of Philosophy, the sub-department of Religious Studies, and the Classics Section of the Department of English and the Labour Studies Programme.
School of Language Studies
Is responsible for internal and extramural teaching of Linguistics, of five languages and their related cultural studies: Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Spanish, and co-ordination of the new interdisciplinary major in European Studies.
School of People, Environment and Planning
Geography and Social Anthropology offer full undergraduate and post-graduate degree programmes. The Institute of Development Studies offers a full range of post-graduate qualifications as well as a number of core undergraduate papers.
School of Psychology
These pages provide information about courses and papers in psychology at undergraduate and graduate level. Staff and their associated research interests are also listed.
School of Resource & Environmental Planning
Teaches the Bachelor of Resource and Environmental Planning (the "BRP"). The School is one of only two university departments in New Zealand that teaches a professional undergraduate degree in planning, and must meet accreditation standards set by the New Zealand Planning Instuitute.
School of Sociology, Social Policy and Social Work
Hosts New Zealand's largest teaching and research programmes in social policy and the social services.
Te Pütahi-ä-Toi
The Mäori Studies Department at Massey University, located on the Palmerston North campus. Courses offered range from introductory Mäori language through to post graduate diplomas. There are currently three research unit operating here also.