Alpine Lodge Motel
Information about the motel and the village. Online booking facility.
Drifters Inn
Accommodation in a motel/lodge suited to couples and groups with shared guest lounge, dining room and kitchen.
Glenalvon Lodge, Motel and Bed and Breakfast
Located on the main street of Hanmer Springs Village and adjacent to a restaurant, the thermal pools, information centre and many other local attractions.
Greenacres Chalets and Apartments
Separate units set in a parklike setting overlooking the Hanmer Basin. Information on activities, location and contacts.
Hanmer Inn Motel
Thirteen self-contained units in the centre of the village. Accommodation information and online bookings.
Settlers Inn Motel
Accommodation located in quiet and restful surroundings. Information and online booking.
The Chalets Motel
A motel with nine separate chalets on an large elevated property with views to the surrounding mountains. Site features services, plans, links and contacts.