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Canterbury College of Natural Medicine
Delivering professional and community courses, including diplomas in Clinical Herbal Medicine, Aromatherapy, and Massage Therapy.
Design and Arts College of New Zealand (D&A)
A private tertiary organisation providing courses in art and design.
International Aviation Academy of New Zealand
Professional flight training organization based at Christchurch International Airport. Virtual tour link and courses, facilities, FAQ and contact information.
New Zealand College of Early Childhood Education
Training courses in early childhood teaching or international family nannying qualifications. College news and information on career opportunities, the College, course, years one, two and three, course dates, entry criteria, enrolment procedure, fees, staff, accommodation, plus contact and application forms.
New Zealand Institute of Management (NZIM)
Improving the quality of management in New Zealand. Broad information on membership benefits and management training opportunities.
Private teachers college offering teacher training for graduates, professional development courses for trained teachers and international consultancy in education.