english deutsch
Achievement Institute of Language
Government registered, private English language institute. Information on courses, fees, enrolment form, accommodation, visas, leisure and associated colleges.
Ancient March, Language and Culture Centre Limite
English language and flower arrangements school. TOEIC, IELTS, conversation, fresh and dried flower arrangements, and computer lessons. TOEIC test centre.
Avon College
English language programmes, including IELTS and TOEIC courses.
Canterbury Language College.
A middle-sized school with between 40 and 60 students. Information on course, school, accommodation and Christchurch.
Christchurch College of English.
A tertiary education institution offering opportunities to learn the English language through experiential activity-based courses. Christchurch, fees, activities, enrolment, campus, courses, staff and accommodation information.
Christchurch International College
Private school providing university entrance courses for international students aged 17-21. English language and Foundation Studies lead to UE. Specialist courses in Business English, academic preparation and tertiary study skills.
Dominion English Schools
High academic standards, extensive activity programmes and a friendly 'at home' family atmosphere. Contacts plus enrolment, courses, fees, accommodation, activities, news, agents, visa information and alternative language versions.
English Language Institute
Offers a range of English language studies for overseas students and immigrants. Accommodation, facilities, course Test of English for International Communication (TEIC), activities, enrolment and contact information, plus links and alternative sites in Swiss, Japanese, Taiwanese, Brazilian, Spanish, Arabic, German, Korean, Russian, Chinese, French and Hungarian.
Garden City English School
General English and Cambridge examination courses. Information about the school, English courses, the New Zealand Experience, fees, enquiries, conditions of enrolment and enrolment form.
International Language Academies (ILA)
ILA has 2 schools (Christchurch and Auckland), equipped with a large range of facilities. New Zealand, schools, academic, course, accommodation, activities and contact information plus online enrolment, guided tour, guestbook and testimonials.
Language Schools New Zealand
A branch of the Queenstown Language School. Registered and fully recognised by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA). Queenstown, Christchurch, course, accommodation, enrolment, contact and agent information, plus student testimonials and links. Alternative language sites available.
Southern English Schools
English language tuition. School, study, courses, accommodation, activities, registration and enrolment information.
The International College of English NZ
Teaches English as a second language including IELTS and TOEFL. Online enrolment, and information on accommodation and activities.
The Royal English College
An international English college. Information about New Zealand, Christchurch, courses, services, homestays, Beijing Office, enrolments, tuition fees, visas and contacts.
WELS English Language School
Teaches IELTS, TOEFL, high school preparation courses, classes for beginners, elementary, intermediate levels, academic English courses and preparation for New Zealand university entrance. Multi lingual Web site offering introduction and information on location, courses, fees, accommodation and contacts.