english deutsch
Agnew Engineering Services Ltd.
Involved in the construction of machinery for the food manufacturing and processing Industry. Design, maintenance and project management information.
Armitage Williams Group
A construction company operating in all sectors of the construction industry. Director profiles and information on Armitage Williams structure and establishment, experience, AW commercial interiors, industry links and Buildsoft.
Cemac Interiors
Major provider of partitioning, commercial fit outs and preferred provider of shelving systems.
Grieve Wrought Iron Ltd.
Specializes in production of wrought iron and steel fences, driveway and path gates, and fire and nursery guards.
Loxodonta Design Group
Interior designers offering architectural, furniture, renovations and alterations planning and designs.
Orange Homes
Residential builders with services ranging from designs and plans to project management and complete construction.
Paving Innovations
A group of paving producers. Site features products and colours.
Peter Ray Homes
Combines construction, products and materials with experience designing and building award-winning homes. Services include house design, construction and project management.
Spencer, Painters and Decorators
Provides residential and commercial painting and decorating services.
Masonry firm specialising in traditional stone masonry, both new building work and restoration.
TapeTech Plasterers
All interior plastering including ornamental, cornices and Tapetech drywall systems from USA. Specialists in quality paint finishes.
The Concrete Placing Team
Concrete placing work by divisions civil, commercial and retail.
Versatile Buildings
Designers and mass manufacturers of low cost accommodation and storage buildings. Site features corporate profile and information on garages, homes, farm, commercial and steel frame buildings, garden sheds and employment opportunities.
Wayne York Plumbing
Local craftsman, plumber and gasfitter for Kaiapoi and surrounding area. List of services and contact information.