english deutsch
Real Estate
Harcourts Rotorua, McDowell Real Estate, Rick Kjestrup - Mcdowell Real Estate Ltd, Ross Cooper Real Estate
AIMAT New Zealand Limited
Offers career planning, business development resourcing, HR development and management, hypnotherapy, counselling, CV writing, psychometric and edumetric testing.
Blackman Spargo
Law firm specialising in rural and commercial law. Staff details, list of types of advice available, and contact information provided.
Centralis Limited
Independent computer consultancy practice specialising in information systems for technical and business applications.
Complete Financial Services Ltd
Financial services company based in Rotorua.
Fairy Springs Automotive
Comprehensive services including full mechanical service and repairs, auto electrical repairs, sale and installation of vehicle security and Warrant of Fitness inspections.
Finstone Ltd
Sells Finnish soapstone fireplaces, home heating, saunas, natural Swiss beds, log homes and radiators for a healthy comfortable lifestyle.
Hayes International
Designs and manufactures machinery for the production of roofing and wall cladding profiles and structural sections, and associated metalworking equipment.
Hepi Maxwell
Sculptures jade into contemporary Maori art forms. Site features online gallery.
Rotorua based computer suppliers, support and online services.
Numedic Ltd
Manufacturers of dairy equipment, including effluent pumps and stirrers, traveling and stationery irrigation systems, dairy cattle power drench systems, and teat sprayers. Product overviews included.
Risk Management Solutions
Provides software solutions to chartered accountants, solicitors and financial planners to add comprehensive risk management and financial planning services to their business.
Roadmaster Trailers Ltd
Manufacturers of heavy transport equipment including platforms, Glidemasters, transporters, tipping truck and trailer equipment.
Rodway Park Red Deer Stud
Offers stags from Warnham Park as well as the Schulte Wrede German herd.
Ron Hall's Art
Professional artist based in Rotorua specialising in assemblages, industrial art and architectural artworks.
Rotorua Marine and Leisure
Provides new and pre-owned sales, service, motors, and accessories. Includes listings, services offered, and hours of operation.
The Craft Warehouse
Offers clay, pottery, kilns, beads, oil paints, mosaics, tuition, adult and children's classes.