American Polynesia, 1859
Historical map.
Island Directory
Basic environmental and geographic information on the significant islands of the world .
Map South Pacific
Maps and travel guides to the South Pacific. Includes 60 antique engravings from the De Rienzi gallery.
Oceana Photos
A nice collection of maps and photos on Fiji, New Zealand, Australia and Singapore.
Perry-Castanada Library Map Collection
Maps from the University of Texas at Austin, USA, the nation's fifth largest academic library containing over 8 million volumes.
Polynesia Outlying Islands
This map shows the so-called "Polynesian Outliers" with bold-face labels, located just off the east coast of the New Caledonia mainland.
South Pacific Island Maps
The University of the South Pacific GIS unit's south pacific island maps.
WorldAtlas.Com - Australia/Oceania
Maps, facts, figures, flags.