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Code Pink: Melbourne
Calls on women to rise up and oppose war. Action alerts and news.
Committee for Melbourne
Private, not for profit network of leaders aiming to develop the city. Features details of current projects, news, events and publications.
Environs Australia
Organisation what aims to strengthened the capacity of local governments around Australia to put sustainability into practice. Includes current projects and partnerships.
Melbourne Newsboys Club Foundation
Aims to support, help and benefit young people. Club history and allocations.
National Volunteer Skills Centre
Aims to support voluntary and volunteer organisations throughout Australia develop and implement their training and skills development needs.
The Ian Potter Foundation
Makes grants for charitable purposes in Australia. Areas of interest are the arts, education, environment and conservation, health, social welfare, science and medical research.
The Institute of Public Affairs Homepage
Think tank. Promoting public policy based on individual liberty, limited government, free markets, and peaceful international relations. Hundreds of studies and articles available online.
Urban Seed
Ecumenical Christian agency which combines street work with education programs and a strong voice on issues including homelessness, drug addiction, problem gambling and poverty. Include background of its outspoken director, Rev. Tim Costello.
Victorian Australian American Association
Organisation that aims to foster friendship and understanding between the peoples of Australia and the United States.
Women's Health East
Providing information, referral, sexual and reproductive medical services, discussion groups, courses, consultancy and training to women in the Eastern Metropolitan Region of Melbourne.
Women's Health West
Family and domestic violence services as well as health information and education for all women and children in Melbourne's western region.