Geelong and District, Geelong Historical Records Centre, Geelong Historical Society, The Geelong Family History Group
Personal Pages
Bielenberg, B.C., Geelong Residents Webring, Jason Quick's Virtual Abode, Lace and Freya, Robin's Golden Oldies, Sarah's World
Geelong Deanery, Overseas Christian Fellowship (Geelong), St Matthews, The Reforming and Congregational Church
Baden Powell Scout Guild
A group of both former and current scouts, guides and friends of both organisations with a desire to support the movement physically and morally.
Geelong HOG Chapter
Part of the Harley Owners Group. Holds regular meetings and runs, as well as an annual Toy Run for the benefit of selected Geelong charities.
Geelong Volunteer Resource Centre
The centre informs potential volunteers about volunteer opportunities; assists volunteer managers to develop effective programs; provides information for non profit organisations; and provides information sessions to agencies and schools clubs.
RV Moon Rover Crew
The Rover section of the Scout movement includes young people aged 18 to 26. This particular crew is based in Geelong West.
The Courthouse Project
A project to renovate a venue in central Geelong to meet the evolving needs of young people by encouraging and assisting the creation of developmental opportunities.
United Way Geelong
Non-profit, non-political and non-sectarian fundraising organisation dedicated to involving the entire community in supporting vital health and human care services.