Brigidine Sisters
History, ministries, news and information about an order of women of faith and hope, founded by St Brigid.
Capuchin Franciscan Friars of Australia
News, information about the order, biographies and photos of the order's friars, and information about St. Francis and other historical figures.
Faithful Companions of Jesus
Striving with Mary to be faithful to Jesus and to God's people. Includes information, ministries and news.
Franciscan Federation of Australia
Meeting minutes, Cords Down Under bulletin, literature, and directory of contact addresses.
Franciscan Friars - Province of the Holy Spirit
A group of men committed to living a simple life of the Gospel. Includes news, spirituality, vocations and education.
Franciscan Missionaries of the Divine Motherhood A
Ministries, history, sisters' stories, prayers, and contact information.
Institute of Sisters of Mercy of Australia
History, mission statement, current issues, forums, and contact details and information for regional congregations.
Jesuits Society of Australia
Spirituality and works of an apostolic body of men of the church, animated by a deep personal love of Jesus Christ.
Little Company of Mary in Australia
History, mission, vocation, ministry, and online journal.
Loreto Sisters
A branch of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Includes history, membership, spirituality, works, schools and news.
Marist Brothers Melbourne Province
Includes information about education, welfare, schools, vocations and a retreat centre.
Maronite Catholic Church of Australia
Information on parishes and organisations, youth ministry and an art gallery.
Missionary Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Co
Beliefs, mission, history, and Network of Prayer newsletter.
Missionary Society of St. Paul in Australia
Includes history, ministries, directories, and information about the founder.
Redemptorist Province of Australia and New Zealand
History and vocation information for a group of Catholic missionary priests and brothers.
Salesians of Don Bosco in Australia and Asia
Information about the order, news, and a large collection of online resources.
Sisters of Charity
Includes information on congregations, foundation, ministries, and justice network.
Sisters of St Joseph of the Apparition
Includes history, spirituality, ministries and information about Emilie de Vialar.
Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart
Includes information about each congregation, a justice space, prayer room, connections, news and information about Mary MacKillop.
Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth
Mission information, community services, stories and contact information.
Society of St. Pius X
Mass Centres, articles and newsletters, resources, and spiritual development through traditional church doctrine.
St. Columban's Mission Society
Background information about the institute, education resource kits, and the Far East online magazine.
The Good Shepherd Sisters
History, references and information on Good Shepherd agencies in Australia.
The Patrician Brothers in Australia
Mission, history of the order, photos of the Superior Generals, ministries, news, and bibliography.