Australian Republic Unplugged
The Home Page of the Australian Republic Unplugged features numerous links to other interesting and stimulating pages including the main text of this site which reveals the core flaws of an Australian republic by unravelling a proposal by former Prime Minister Paul Keating for this unrealistic concept
Australians For A Constitutional Monarchy
Details of a group who would like to see the Queen of England remain as Australia's Head of State.
For the Sovereignty of the People
Excerpts from a book, arguing 21st Century change to a republic would be destructive.
No Republic (Kingsford) Incorporated
No Republic (Kingsford) Incorporated is the Kingsford NSW branch of Australians for Constitutional Monarchy
Queenslanders for Constitutional Monarchy
Queenslanders for Constitutional Monarchy defend the soverienty of the Queen of England/Australia
The Monarchist League of Australia
Website with links and information, advocating a NO vote in the referendum so as to keep the Queen of Australia as head of state